How Does the Medical Professional Shortage Impact Your Career?
Published: Dec 07, 2015

It may come as somewhat of a surprise, but there is currently a growing shortage in medical professionals and staff--and no matter what field you are interested in, that can have an impact on the direction of your career. These shortages are offering up numerous opportunities for professionals with any type of degree to become involved. After all, as one of the biggest industries in the nation, healthcare has a place for everyone.
Many of us have already heard about the significant nursing shortage that is upon us. The number of older nurses reaching retirement age in combination with greater healthcare needs from baby boomers makes for a perfect storm. The Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that the US needs to train 580,000 new nurses before 2018.
For students who are interested in helping people, this means the job outlook is a pretty positive one. Furthermore, there has been some movement to allow nurses practitioners with the right qualifications to help fill a shortage in primary caregivers throughout the nation. These nurses have the ability to write prescriptions, order diagnostic exams, and open their own practices.
The healthcare industry functions in many ways just like any other major business. They need to be promoted, build relationships with the community, and ultimately make money. Therefore, all hospitals are in need of qualified marketing executives to help accomplish these tasks and create a positive reputation for standards of care throughout the region.
As many hospitals adapt to a more digital age, they are in need of professionals to help them make the advertising transition. Many are in search of professionals with skills in social media marketing and advertising. Furthermore, many are looking to bring helpful attention to the diversity of services that they offer, meaning the job would never become routine.
Additionally, hospitals and other healthcare providers are often desperately searching for professionals with tech degrees. One of the biggest reasons for this is the rollout of electronic health records. Many traditional healthcare professionals have limited knowledge in troubleshooting the new software and need the help of an IT professional in order to make a smooth transition.
However, there are a number of other reasons to consider healthcare as an IT career direction. For instance, many hospitals are becoming more connected with health hazards in the community and have developed databases to be used to store the information. Database managers will become increasingly important in hospitals in coming years.
Although most people think of the need for doctors and nurses when they think of the healthcare industry, the truth of the matter is that there are a variety of different positions. And all are in search of qualified, passionate professionals to fill them. For those considering pursuing the healthcare industry, the outlook is bright.
About the author
Brittni Brown is a recent graduate of The College of Idaho; she currently works for a local marketing company. In her free time she enjoys a variety of outdoor activities including hiking, biking, and camping.