Top Ten Reasons Not to Go to Law School
Published: Jan 05, 2011
Last week, CNBC’s NetNet discussed a law school “warning” by the American Bar Association (“ABA”). According to NetNet, “[t]he ABA is now making the case to persuade college students not to go to law school.” With lower starting salaries for legal professions and less support, the financial rewards of a legal career may not be as promising anymore.
But as Above the Law pointed out yesterday, this ABA publication isn’t breaking news – it was the talk of the net in 2009. And a quick read of the report, which is titled The Value Proposition of Attending Law School, confirms one thing for me: law school isn’t cheap.
But it wasn’t cheap years ago when I first enrolled. The other thing about law school – it’s a ton of work. You thought you studied before? Say goodbye to your social life (for your first year at least). Regardless of the economic time, the financial and time commitments alone make the decision to go to law school a serious one.
But in my opinion, if you’ve analyzed your goals and ambitions and have determined that law school is for you, then you should work to put yourself in the financial position to go (find financial resources, save money for a while, apply for scholarships, etc.). Don't let finances be your reason for not pursuing your dream of law school. If you really want know some good reasons not to attend law school, check out the list below.

Vault Law’s Top Ten Reasons Not to Go to Law School
10. You think a judge’s robe would perfectly accent your figure, and how cute are those gavels?
9. You love titles, and adding “Esq.” to the end of your name would really up your prestige.
8. You DVR every episode of Law & Order and can’t wait to prosecute cases just like those.
7. You want to make a lot of money, and lawyers are guaranteed to make tons of money (this reason is where the ABA report comes in handy).
6. You love the idea of getting a free meal and a car ride home every night (those Lincoln town cars are quite comfortable, after all).
5. To Kill A Mockingbird is your favorite novel (Slow down, Atticus. That’s a great read, but you should learn more about the legal profession before you commit).
4. All of your friends are doing it (Seriously? I thought we covered peer pressure in kindergarten – if all of your friends were jumping off a bridge, would you do it too?)
3. You don’t mind working hard for eight years because once you make partner, you can kick back and relax out in the Hamptons while the associates do all of the work.
2. Your parents think it would be a good career move (You’re an adult now. What do you want to do with your life?).
1. You just graduated from college, and you don’t know what else to do with your life (I’m talking to you, liberal arts majors . . . well not just you, but mostly you).
CNBC NetNet Source
ABA Website
ABA Report
Above the Law Source