
Allen and Co. is a low-profile banking boutique that works on high-profile deals. A private firm without a website, Allen and Co. has closed deals for Google, Twitter, Facebook, Activision, eBay, Verizon, and Time Warner. The bank is also known for its annual star-studded Sun Valley conference, attended by the likes of Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, LeBron James, and Oprah Winfrey.
Company Stats
Employer Type
2018 Employees (All Locations)
Featured Rankings
Major Office Locations
President & CEO
About the Company
How is Allen & Company unlike other banks? Let us count the ways: It has no website, no barrage of press releases touting recent deals, no sprawling menu of financial services, no research division, no employment contact, and no formal recruiting process. What Allen & Company does have is a platinum reputation and serious mystique, earned over nearly nine decades of semi-secretive, exclusive advisory and wealth management work with some of the biggest names in corporate America. The firm is an institutional broker and money manager for high-net-worth individuals, including the founding Allen family; it also provides M&A, underwriting, and related advisory services.
Most of Allen & Company's clients hail from the media, sports, entertainment, communications and technology sectors—this tiny boutiqu...