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Google AR & VR

1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View, CA 94043
(650) 253-0000



Google AR & VR (augmented reality and virtual reality, respectively) is the Google department that brings real life to the virtual plane, and vice versa. Its products range from the fun, like adding AR characters to your videos, to the practical, like identifying the objects in your pictures. Google regularly finds more uses for these fascinating new technologies.

Company Stats


Employer Type




1,001-5,000 Employees


Major Office Locations

Mountain View, CA


Major Brands

Augmented Reality (AR) • Virtual Reality (VR) • Google Lens • Google Cardboard • Daydream


Salary Range


About the Company

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (AR/VR) technologies are the next step in so many fields, from entertainment (having a personal 4-D ride in your home) to telecommunications (put on the special glasses, and now everyone is at the meeting) to things not yet imagined, and Google is naturally in the middle of it all. Companies are looking for talent, with Vox magazine reporting that demand for software engineers in AR/VR increased by 1,400% from 2018 to 2019.

It should be no surprise that Google looks for highly intelligent candidates, and Google AR & VR is specific employment at an already highly selective company. Software engineers must have the minimum qualification of a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or related technical field, but some of the “preferred qualifications” are a Ph.D. in ...

Perks & Benefits

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