
Founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen, Microsoft is perhaps the original college-dropout success story. The work culture there embraces that same entrepreneurial spirit, prizing autonomy and creativity in problem-solving. Microsoft has specific hiring plans aimed and creating a diverse environment, including ones for autistic people and for individuals with disabilities.
Company Stats
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Major Brands
Windows • Xbox, Windows Phones • Skype • Yammer • Outlook • Surface (line of tablets) • Office • GitHub • Microsoft Azure (global cloud computing platform) • Visual Studio (developer tools)
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About the Company
Microsoft is a global tech giant. The company has been creating inspired innovations and chasing a futuristic vision since its founding in 1975. All these years later, Microsoft has yet to slow down. At its core, the company is built on creativity and invention. Its enterprising attitude has lead it to make smart acquisitions and grow its suite of products and capabilities. In 2021, Microsoft acquired The Marsden Group, a tech company specializing in industrial environments. Other important acquisitions have been Hotmail in 1997, Skype in 2011, and nearly 10 acquisitions in 2020 alone. Unlike other tech companies with one signature product or idea, Microsoft operates under the pretense that there’s always more to discover, more to create, and more to do to make the world a better place.
Microsoft’s innovations and products are know...