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Duane Morris LLP

30 South 17th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103-4196
(215) 979-1000



Duane Morris has evolved into a legal powerhouse since its doors opened more than a century ago. Although its roots are in Philadelphia, the firm has a global reach via offices across the United States, Europe, and Asia. Despite the firm’s rapid expansion into new markets, Duane Morris hasn’t wavered from upholding its core values and maintaining a collaborative culture. Moreover, the strategies used to maintain these virtues have been articulated in case studies used at the Harvard Business School.

Firm Stats


Total No. Attorneys (2024)

750 - 1K


No. of Partners Named (2023)



Featured Rankings

Vault Law 100


No. of 1st Year Associates Hired (2023)



No. of Summer Associates (2024)

27 total (24 2Ls; 3 1Ls)


Base Salary

Austin, Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, New York, Philadelphia,...

About the Firm

With more than 900 lawyers around the world, including in Asia and London, Duane Morris has 23 offices across the United States.

Small, Medium, Big

In 1904 in Philadelphia, four lawyers formed the partnership that is known today as Duane Morris. In the mid-1980s, the firm expanded—opening an office in Delaware—and it hasn’t looked back since. It opened 8 more offices in the 1990s and 15 new offices in the 2000s. International growth was initiated with the opening of its London office in 2000, and the firm landed in Asia in 2007.

From Construction to Cannabis

Duane Morris’ practices include Litigation, Corporate Law, Intellectual Property, Business Reorganization and Financial Restructuring, Labor Employment and Immigratio...

Diversity at Duane Morris LLP

"Under leadership of our Chief Diversity Officer, the Duane Morris Diversity & Inclusion program has expanded to include new internal initiatives to address law firm diversity through the DM360 DI Task Force. This stands for "Duane Morris 360 degree Diversity & Inclusion" task force. This firm-wide task force consists of 16 lawyers from various subject matter and geographic practices who are working on four different sub-groups designed to outline the firm's long-term diversity strategy: Inventory — Designed to evaluate all..."

Perks & Benefits

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