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The Cambridge Group, LLC

10 S. Wacker Drive
Suite 3550
Chicago, IL 60606-5058
(312) 425-3600



The Cambridge Group is a boutique strategy consulting firm that helps clients identify profitable new growth opportunities, optimize portfolios of products or services, unearth breakthrough innovation, reinvent categories, enhance brand equity, and optimize pricing. Services include mergers and acquisitions, corporate and business unit strategy, go-to-market activation, digital strategy, marketing strategy, innovation and design and pricing and promotion.

Company Stats


Employer Type




11-50 Employees


Featured Rankings

Vault Consulting 50 North America


Major Departments/Practice Areas

Growth Strategy


Major Office Locations

Chicago, IL


Employment Contact

Claire Zhou - Project Manager

Vault Verdict

Traditionally a firm that we see nothing but positive reviews from, The Cambridge Group is in a period of flux at the moment following its acquisition in late 2022 by PA Consulting.

Not that insiders expressed a lot dissatisfaction in this year’s survey: it’s simply the case that change is always hard, with competing priorities and cultural aspects tending to impact some employees more than others.

All of which is to say that the best thing any potential TCG applicant could do this year would be to connect with as many people inside the firm as possible to get a sense of how things are shaping up. It’s clear from our survey that the firm’s reputation for high quality growth strategy work remains intact—and may even have been enhanced by its tie-...

About the Company

Note: The Cambridge Group was acquired by PA Consulting in November 2022.

If the consultants at The Cambridge Group were your Economics 101 professor, you would not have learned supply and demand, but rather demand and supply. The simple belief that demand should be placed before supply is the principle that differentiates TCG from other consulting firms. Since 1975, the firm has helped clients develop and execute strategies that are driven by a superior understanding of profitable demand. TCG applies its demand-led expertise across global industries including consumer goods, financial services, retail, media, and high technology.

The firm focuses on using demand to help clients identify profitable new growth opportunities, optimize portfolios of products or services, unearth breakthro...

Employee Reviews

  • “Change is afoot following the PA Consulting acquisition. TCG leadership is attempting to wedge the round peg of TCG into the PA Consulting square hole.”

  • “If you are interested in growth strategy (marketing, innovation) and excited by the types of clients we typically serve (e.g., consumer goods, technology), The Cambridge Group is about as good as it gets.”

  • “If you're a curious, open-minded problem solver, you'll enjoy the work we do and the people you'll be working with.”

  • “Our focus on helping clients find profitable growth opportunities vs doing ‘all things’.  We're experts at what we do because we're intentionally and continuously investing in honing our craft.”

  • “We are highly collaborative with the client. Rather than doing the work and handing the client a slide deck at the end, we develop the project together as a team and mold the project as it goes to ensure clients are in tune every step of the way.”

Getting Hired Here

  • “Our interview process is fairly standard. Our ideal candidate has strong quantitative, critical thinking, and communications skills, is highly motivated, and demonstrates intellectual curiosity.”

  • “Pretty quick process, looking for a self-starter who is motivated, inquisitive, and an all-around good person with strong morals.”

  • “The firm is looking for people with creative problem-solving skills, that thinks outside the box and is not afraid to step-up early on in their career. Furthermore, the firm is looking for people that are team players and can work collaboratively. The interview process was standard for consulting. I would say the interviewers at TCG were less intimidating and more personable than at other firms, which made the interview process far more enjoyable.”

  • “The ideal candidate is open-minded, genuine, curious, quantitatively capable, and able to learn quickly. A combination of behavioral and case interviews screen for these traits.”

  • “We assign buddies to candidates with offers and on the waitlist.”

Perks & Benefits

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