
The Cambridge Group is a boutique strategy consulting firm that helps clients identify profitable new growth opportunities, optimize portfolios of products or services, unearth breakthrough innovation, reinvent categories, enhance brand equity, and optimize pricing. Services include mergers and acquisitions, corporate and business unit strategy, go-to-market activation, digital strategy, marketing strategy, innovation and design and pricing and promotion.
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Vault Verdict
Insiders at The Cambridge Group love the firm’s combination of strong career development processes, flat and flexible organizational culture, and flexible work-life balance and travel policies. The firm may not be for everyone with its figure-it-out culture, where you’re expected to be able to solve problems on your own, but people will always be willing to help those colleagues ask for it.
Also, while TCG has traditionally ranked among the top consultancies in our rankings, it’s still undergoing a period of transition after its acquisition by PA Consulting in 2022. Following the acquisition employees who started at TCG before the acquisition shared concerns about added bureaucracy, new leadership, and a slower promotion cycle, but it’s likely that much of this c...
About the Company
Note: The Cambridge Group was acquired by PA Consulting in November 2022.
If the consultants at The Cambridge Group were your Economics 101 professor, you would not have learned supply and demand, but rather demand and supply. The simple belief that demand should be placed before supply is the principle that differentiates TCG from other consulting firms. Since 1975, the firm has helped clients develop and execute strategies that are driven by a superior understanding of profitable demand. TCG applies its demand-led expertise across global industries including consumer goods, financial services, retail, media, and high technology.
The firm focuses on using demand to help clients identify profitable new growth opportunities, optimize portfolios of products or services, unearth breakthro...
Employee Reviews
- “Since we are a smaller firm, people at all levels are accessible, and in my experience, everyone is more than happy to support you if you ask for help or advice.”
- “There is a stiff ‘figure it out’ culture where, if you are asked to complete a task, the expectation is you figure it out yourself. If you aren't able to figure it out, you will not be successful”
- “Firm leadership is very intentional about creating an outstanding, supportive culture where people know and care about each other. I genuinely believe anyone at the firm would have my back if I needed it.”
- “We are a tight group of rather brilliant people. We get hands-on experience at every stage of our careers due to our flat culture and ability to flex into different roles depending on the project needs.”
Getting Hired Here
- “The hiring process felt thorough and comprehensive. It included two standard consulting-type case interviews in the first round. The second round included a behavioral interview with a partner and a presentation. For the presentation, you had to create and present slides to two partners. You were given data on slides with no headlines, had to develop a narrative and headlines, and choose what slides to include in your presentation. It felt like it did a good job emulating what you would do as a consultant.”
- “For analysts, we have a group case, followed by an Excel assessment. After this initial round, we have final-round interviews that consist of two case interviews and one behavioral interview. We are seeking data-oriented and analytical minds that have a knack for creative problem solving and are self-starters.”
- “An ideal candidate has all the necessary credentials (a high GPA, work experience, involvement in student clubs with leadership positions, and hard skills in Excel and PowerPoint). They should also have critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, and the ability to make connections and build relationships.”
- “The ideal candidate is a strong analytically driven problem solver, a team player who is intellectually curious about what motivates people and market behavior, and is excited about helping clients achieve their business objectives.”