
The Arkansas-based big-box giant Wal-Mart has been on the scene since the Kennedy administration. Its goal is to provide consumers with the lowest prices. For those interested in working for Wal-Mart corporate, thinking big is a must. The company strives to create a diverse environment: Wal-Mart publishes its year-over-year diversity strides for all to see.
Company Stats
Employer Type
Major Departments
Major Brands
Clothing • Fragrance • Footwear • Jewelry • Accessories • Cosmetics • Home Furnishings • Groceries • Artillery & Sporting Goods
Employment Contact
About the Company
Founded in Arkansas in 1962 by brothers Sam and James “Bud” Walton, Walmart Inc. is a chain of stores, usually very large in size (referred to as “supercenters” or “hypermarkets” in company lingo), that sells everything: clothing, fragrance, footwear, jewelry, accessories, cosmetics, home furnishings, groceries (the company is one of the largest grocery stores in the nation), sports equipment, and more. With approximately 2.3 million employees globally, it is the third-largest employer in the world—after the U.S. and Chinese armies. Still based in Bentonville, Arkansas, Walmart had 2020 sales of $559 billion, 65 percent from the U.S., and operates as three business segments: Walmart U.S., Walmart International, and Sam's Club, which maintains special membership-only buying options.
Getting into Walmart corporate will more than ...