Take the RRAT (Raj Rajaratnam Aptitude Test)

Published:  Apr 22, 2011


While the jury deliberates to decide Raj Raj's fate, see how well you've been keeping up with the seven-week insider trading case, the U.S. v. Rajaratnam, by taking the RRAT (Raj Rajaratnam Aptitude Test) below:

1. If convicted, what's the maximum prison sentence Raj Raj could receive?
A. 10 years
B. 15 years
C. 20 years
D. Life

2. Which of the following men allegedly passed on material inside information to Raj Raj?
A. Rajat Gupta, ex-McKinsey managing director and ex-Goldman Sachs director
B. Anil Kumar, ex-McKinsey partner
C. David Palecek, ex-McKinsey partner
D. All of the above

3. Which of the following men testified to passing along material inside information to Raj Raj?
A. Rajiv Goel, ex-Intel executive
B. Anil Kumar, ex-McKinsey & Co. partner
C. Adam Smith, ex-Galleon trader
D. All of the above

4. In a wire-tapped conversation during which Rajaratnam said, "My analysis of the situation is he's enamored with Kravis, and I think he wants to be in that circle. That’s a billionaire circle, right? Goldman is like the hundreds of millions circle, right. And I think here he sees the opportunity to make $100 million over the next five years or 10 years without doing a lot of work," who does he refer to?
A. Adam Smith, ex-Galleon trader
B. Rengan Rajaratnam, Raj's Raj's brother
C. Rajat Gupta, ex-McKinsey managing director
D. Mitt Romney, ex-Bain & Company partner and Bain Capital founder

5. True or False: When Raj Raj attended the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business, he was classmates with Rajiv Goel (ex-Intel executive), Anil Kumar (ex-McKinsey partner) and Rajat Gupta (ex-McKinsey managing director).

6. Which prosecution witness did Raj Raj's lawyer John Dowd call a "monstrous liar" who was cooperating with federal prosecutors in order to "save his skin" from a lengthy prison sentence?
A. Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman Sachs CEO
B. Anil Kumar, ex-McKinsey partner
C. Rajat Gupta, ex-McKinsey managing director
D. All of the above

7. Which of the following does NOT fit a description of one of the jurors who will decide Raj Raj's fate?
A. Retired school teacher in her 70s who volunteered in the Israeli defense forces
B. Bronx woman whose boyfriend worked as an A/V tech for BofA and who enjoys the TV show "True Blood"
C. Unemployed 35-year-old whose band "could really use a drummer"
D. None of the above

8. According to defense lawyer John Dowd, Raj Raj "built his success" not on material inside information but on "shoe-leather research." What is this "shoe-leather research" Dowd's referring to?
A. Raj Raj's deep knowledge of the Italian loafer market
B. Information passed on to Raj Raj by the spiked-heel-miniskirt-wearing Danielle Chiesi
C. Legitimate, hard-earned research Raj Raj gained by metaphorically pounding the pavement so hard that he wore out his Ferragamos
D. All of the above

9. During a wire-tapped conversation, which man or woman said to Raj Raj, "Oh, dude, we're f*&^ed."?
A. Rengan Rajaratnam, Raj's Raj's brother
B. Danielle Chiesi, ex-New Castle Funds consultant
C. Anil Gupta, ex-McKinsey partner
D. All of the above

10. Which of the following did NOT testify during the trial?
A. Danielle Chiesi, ex-New Castle Funds consultant
B. Rajat Gupta, ex-McKinsey managing director
C. Raj Raj, the big guy himself
D. All of the above

11. True or False: Before he founded Galleon, Raj Raj worked for Goldman Sachs.


ANSWERS: (1) c, (2) d, (3) d, (4) c, (5) false; Goel and Kumar were, but Gupta wasn't (6) b, (7) c, (7) d, (8) c, (9) a, (10) d, (11) false; he worked for Needham

1-3 correct:
Guilty. Go directly to jail. See you in 2021, dude.
Seven to 10, with chance of early parole.
Hold out your hand for a hard slap on the wrist.
Not guilty. You're free to go. Let the (inside) trading re$ume!

(Related: Why the Rajaratnam Trial Will Increase the Greed on Wall Street)


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