5 Steps to Developing Your MBA Career Goals Essay

Published: Jun 22, 2011

 Education       Grad School       

by EssaySnark

Here to inaugurate EssaySnark's new essay advice series is an exercise for what should be the first step of your MBA admissions journey: Mapping out your career goals. Your career goals are what help you decide which schools are the right fit for you, and they help the schools decide if you're the right fit for them.

Here's how to do it.

  1. Start with the future. What do you want to do with your life? Do you want to be a CEO someday? Do you want to run your own business? Are you going to move to some other country and start something new? Great! Write that down. 

  2. Next: Recognize that this is not  your “long-term goal.” Most schools have a five- to eight-year post-MBA timeframe in mind when they ask about your “long-term goal.” So, if you're applying to bschool this fall (2011), in order to start school next fall (2012), you'll be in the Class of 2014 (hopefully!!). This puts your long-term goal in the realm of, like, the year 2020.  Don't have a clue what you'll be doing in the year 2020?  Don't worry about it, we'll circle back to that again in a minute. READ MORE