6 Good Reasons to Change Jobs

Published:  Dec 28, 2022

 Changing Jobs       
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Every so often, it’s a good idea to take inventory of your life. What makes you happy? What would you like to change? Many of us spend a good portion of our time at work each week, so it’s important to feel happy and fulfilled. If you’re feeling like it’s time to make a change, put some thought into it. Big decisions require a lot of time and information, and shouldn’t be rushed. Here are some good reasons why you might want to consider changing jobs.

You’re Ready for A Change

One of the most common reasons people decide to change jobs is simply because they’re ready to move on. After a certain amount of time, it’s possible to feel stale at work; maybe you no longer feel challenged, or you feel that you’ve accomplished all that you can at your current job. The former is particularly hazardous to your career, as it can be easy to fall into bad habits at work in the absence of any meaningful challenges.

It’s not unusual for people to change careers. Perhaps you’re having second thoughts about your chosen career, and you’ve been looking into making a change. This could also apply to students who have recently earned a degree in their chosen field, and are preparing to leave their current job to begin their new career. Either way, this change usually comes after much thought and planning.

A Hostile Work Environment

A hostile work environment might include harassment, discrimination, violence, drug and alcohol use, or any number of offensive and inappropriate behaviors. These behaviors not only have a negative impact on productivity and employee satisfaction, but they can also lead to mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. In some cases, they can even be dangerous or life-threatening.

A hostile work environment is an excellent reason to change jobs. If you find yourself surrounded by hostile behaviors, or if you’re suffering from discrimination or harassment at work, make a plan to get out as soon as possible. During your job search, try to identify workplaces that foster a healthy, positive environment. If you’d like more information about how to identify such workplaces, check out our previous blog here.

Your Boss

In certain cases, this entry might be linked to the previous one; however, there are other reasons besides hostile behaviors that might put you and your boss at odds. Your boss might consistently ask you to work long hours or come in on weekends, or they might have poor communication skills. Sometimes, it’s as simple as your personalities clashing with one another. The bottom line is if you can’t get along with your boss, work is going to be miserable.

If you’re just starting a new job or your boss is new give it some time, as it can take a while for a boss and their team to gel together. It’s worth putting in the effort to understand one another and work together, rather than rushing to judgment and making a hasty decision to leave. If you absolutely can’t make it work, be respectful and continue to complete your daily tasks while you simultaneously plan your getaway.

A Sinking Ship

Declining sales, mass layoffs, a lack of bonuses or parties—these can often be telltale signs that your employer is about to suffer catastrophic failure. If you think that’s the case, it might be time to explore other employment options. This is one of those situations where you want to be absolutely certain that things are about to go awry, as you’ll want to avoid making a rash or otherwise uninformed decision.

Similar to our previous entry, do your best to stay calm in light of the impending collapse. Show up to work on time, do your best, keep your head up and smile, and look for a viable way out. This can be particularly stressful if your employer is in the process of laying people off, as finding a new job can feel like a race against time, so keep your feet on the ground; slow and steady.

More Money

Let’s face it—life can get pretty expensive. The older we get the more the bills pile up, and with costs constantly on the rise, it can be really tough to make ends meet. If you find that it’s increasingly difficult to afford the necessities in your life even with careful planning and a budget, it might be time to find a higher paying job.

In this scenario, it’s best to take your time and keep an open mind. If you’re changing jobs because you need more money, you might as well think of some other perks you’d like to see at your new job. Take extra care that you don’t leave your current job only to find yourself in a less desirable situation due to factors such as a longer commute or less paid time off, among others.

Life Events

Major life events might require you to change jobs. If you’re moving to a new location and your current employer doesn’t offer remote positions, you’ll have to find a new place of employment. Other examples might include getting married and starting a family, military service, or an illness.

If you’re planning for a major change in your life, make sure you keep your employer in the loop. This way, you can work together to come up with ways to integrate your job into your new circumstances, if possible. In the event your employer cannot accommodate your upcoming life changes, they may offer to be a reference for you in your new job search.

If you’re thinking of changing jobs, make sure you do your due diligence. When you’re unhappy in the moment, other jobs may seem attractive, but it’s best to think it over and take time to research other companies first. Changing jobs can have a huge impact on multiple aspects of your life, so you want to be certain that you’re doing it for the right reasons.


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