Ranking the top Asia Pacific consultancies

Published: Nov 08, 2010


It's that time of year again, here in New York. As winter breathes sinister over the Metropolis, we prepare a final offering to our dedicated readers before they head out into the bitter, unranked cold. Behold: a shining star in the East! We give you Vault's Asia Pacific Consulting Rankings! (We're releasing these final consulting survey results as a full set, inclusive of all categories.)

This year, we've taken our main consulting ranking a step further: Instead of simply listing out the top firms based on perceived prestige in the industry, we've gone out and asked consultants what matters most to them when choosing an employer. What they told us was that prestige alone is not the only determining factor. We've taken this feedback and created a new Vault Consulting 25 Asia Pacific, showcasing the firms that are best to work for. This ranking was compiled using a weighted formula that reflects the issues job seekers care most about. Here's what we used:

• 30 percent prestige

• 15 percent overall satisfaction

• 15 percent firm culture

• 15 percent work/life balance

• 15 percent compensation

• 10 percent overall business outlook

Read on: We've got an embarrassment of riches on hand for job seekers in Asia Pacific. The prestige ranking showcases the firms of best repute in the region; the quality of life rankings, the most prominent components of the Consulting 25's weighted formula, offer a closer look at hours, pay, firm culture and much more; finally, this year's practice area rankings highlight the top firms in eight specific categories (business advisory, economic, energy, financial, HR, IT, operations, and health care).

Readers: This is the end of the road for us. There will be no more survey releases on Consult THIS in 2010. But, weep not; they shall be replenished with the spring thaw, upon the first daffodil's bloom. Until then, stay with us for news updates and in-depth analyses. (As we're all well aware, hibernation is strictly forbidden to consultants; same goes for the people who write about them!)
