The Inside Scoop on KPMG's Recruiting Spree

Published: Jan 25, 2011


One of the biggest and most prestigious consulting shops around is flashing the Batsignal—big time. Will you heed the call?

When Big Four stalwart KPMG announced its intentions to hire 250,000 new employees over the next five years, the sheer magnitude of the recruitment push seemed impressive, to say the least. But, as we all know, Big Four firms don't just deal in consulting; surely these hires would be mostly accountants, taxmen and other assorted corporate jokers, right?

Not so, as it turns out. Direct from the good people at KPMG's advisory recruiting unit to yours truly: "We do expect to significantly increase headcount in Advisory over the next five years." You want evidence? "In the U.S. alone, Advisory is hiring more than 100 people per month."

During the conversation, I not only spoke with the firm about headcount figures and five year goals, but dug deeper into what kinds of specific candidates KPMG is seeking—specifically, what candidates can do to make their applications stand out. And beginning tomorrow, I'll give the full scoop.

Remember, you heard it here: hiring is already underway for hundreds, nay, thousands of consultants. To get a leg up on the competition, come back tomorrow for an insider's look at KPMG's advisory recruitment wishlist!

Read more:
KPMG announces 2010 revenue, recruitment push
