Top 10 Quotes of the Week

Published: Oct 02, 2009

10. “There are signs right now that the recession might be close to over.”
—Nouriel Roubini, a.k.a. Dr. Doom, the consultant and professor famous for predicting the global financial crisis, in a speech in Istanbul

9. "The interviews have definitely picked up. I have a pretty good chance of getting hired.”
—Peter Gallagher, former Lehman Brothers vice president

8. "We are moving back on the offensive."
—Marc Spilker, co-head of Goldman Sachs' investment management business, on hiring 200 workers, in a Financial Times interview

7. "At the risk of being cynical, which if you are in the restructuring business comes relatively easy, the banks are making money, but they aren't lending money."
—Henry Miller, chairman and co-founder of investment bank Miller Buckfire, in an interview with CNBC

6. "The family members were completely derelict in duties and responsibilities. As a result, they either failed to detect or failed to stop the fraud, thereby enabling and facilitating the Ponzi scheme."
 —Irving Picard, a lawyer filing a U.S. Bankruptcy Court lawsuit against four of Bernie Madoff's relatives

5. “We had some companies that didn’t perform as well as we would have liked. Generally I think we’re coming back. We’re now investing again. Our companies are in good shape.”
—David Rubenstein, Carlyle Group co-founder, in an interview with Bloomberg

4. “My client, Robert McCann, can go back to work in late October and he looks forward to his future.”
—Steven Eckhaus, lawyer for Bob McCann, the former Merrill Lynch brokerage chief, in an interview with Bloomberg

3. “It is not only the choice of who is going to be the captain, but also what direction the ship needs to sail.”
—Rakesh Khurana, Harvard Business School professor in an interview with The New York Times about possible successors to BofA’s outgoing CEO Ken Lewis and the firm's future

2. “Ken Lewis had a very clear leadership style—it was his way or the highway.”
—Meredith Whitney, CEO of Meredith Whitney Advisory Group LLC

1. “I will leave knowing that almost anywhere I go in this country, I’ll be able to walk into a Bank of America banking center and receive a warm greeting. I will be able to travel the world, and visit towers full of bright, energetic associates creating financial solutions for companies of every size and shape.”
—Kenneth D. Lewis, the outgoing CEO of Bank of America, in his “farewell letter”
