The Innovation Equation
Published: Nov 30, 2010
The series of articles that describe the cycle of innovation at a large corporation can also be remembered via a set of mathematical formulas.
This mathematical equation is based on the familiar diagram depicted below.
Listed below are the three equations that will help you to remember the pattern for innovation activity in a large corporation.
Innovation = Idea + Implementation + Finishing
This first equation is a straightforward description of
- (a) Coming up with an idea
- (b) Building that idea
- (c) Delivering that idea
The equations below define "idea" and "implementation".
Idea = Productivity + Initiative + Collaboration
The second equation is describes how to come up with a good idea. It involves
- (a) Developing an expertise by being highly productive in a given field
- (b) Taking the initiative to learn
- (a) Customer problems
- (b) New technologies and methods
- (c) Collaborate with customers and experts
The last piece, collaboration, is what makes a good idea worth implementing. Implementation is defined by the final equation.
Implementation = Time Management + Visibility + Bridge Building
These three "idea implementation" techniques rely on the following:
- (a) Strict time management that continually progresses the idea
- (b) Navigating good visibility versus bad visibility
- (c) Building a bridge that allows the idea to cross into the corporate roadmap
All good idea implementations require rolling up the sleeves and crossing the finish line.
Remembering these simple innovation equations will provide you with a framework for guiding your idea through the corporate maze.
Innovation = Idea + Implementation + Finishing
Idea = Productivity + Initiative + Collaboration
Implementation = Time Management + Visibility + Bridge Building
Twitter: @SteveTodd
EMC Intrapreneur