5 Essential Tips for Video and Skype Interviews

Published:  Aug 24, 2018

 Career Readiness       Interviewing       Job Search       Networking       
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Many employers and recruiters now use video interviews. Sometimes video interviews are brief, timed recordings that ask candidates to answer general interview questions, and sometimes these are video meetings using Skype or other platforms. It’s important to remember that both types of video interviews are just as important in-person interviews, and the following tips will help you make sure your bases are covered.

1. Dress professionally.

Dress like you were interviewing in person. Make sure that your camera is focused on your waist up, so plan your outfit accordingly.

2. Choose a location wisely.

Make sure you have picked a location for the video interview without distractions both for yourself and your interviewer. Choose somewhere quiet and well lit.

3. Check your technology ahead of time.

Make sure you can login to all systems and all audio and video are functioning properly. Test your setup with a friend the day before your interview to familiarize yourself with the process. Remember to also charge or bring chargers with you for your devices, just in case. Just before the interview, close out of any programs that you don’t need open or that could be distracting during the interview.

4. Focus on the camera, not the screen.

During your interview, make sure that your focus is on the camera and not your screen. In order to make eye contact, you’ll want to look at the camera during the interview rather than paying attention to the interviewer or yourself on the screen. This can be difficult if you aren’t used to video as a method of communication, so this might be something to practice prior to the interview with a friend as well. Like you would in an in-person interview, take note of your body language as well. Don’t close yourself off. Remain calm, confident, and friendly.

5. Use notes.

Take advantage of the video format and use notes. Before your interview, you’ll be doing research on the company, so jot down things about the company that might be good to bring up in your interview. You might also jot down questions you might want to ask during your interviews. But don’t rely on your notes as though they were a script. Only use them to help keep you stay on task or if you get nervous.


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