Consulting Application & Interview Tips (Video)

Published: Oct 27, 2011

 Interviewing       Job Search       
Article image has shared much in the way of career advice throughout the years, but now you can hear it straight from an executive.  Here are some quick, but effective application and interview tips from L.E.K. Manager Liz S. on how to get a job at her firm.  While she is speaking about L.E.K. Consulting, in truth, these tips can be followed by any job seeker to earn a position at any consulting firm.  Pay careful attention. 

This video originally appeared on L.E.K. Consulting’s L.E.K. Advisor blog, which is an interactive resource for undergraduate, MBA and PhD candidates interested in pursuing a career in management consulting. The L.E.K. Advisor acts as a voice for the L.E.K. brand and also features contributions from L.E.K. employees who share their “real-world” perspectives about the management consulting industry and life inside L.E.K. Check it out at

To learn more about the firm, also check out Vault's L.E.K. Consulting profile.
