5 Great Career Paths in Mathematics

Published: Apr 04, 2023

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Mathematics is one of those subjects where you either love it or hate it, and it is notable for being one of the toughest majors out there. It might be easy to write mathematics off as being boring or even torturous, but a degree in mathematics is surprisingly flexible and can provide you with many interesting opportunities. Today we’re going to take a look at some of the coolest math-related careers, so without further ado, let’s get started.


Actuaries deal with the probability of a variety of events, and their skills are applicable in a wide range of industries. Perhaps the most popular route for an actuary to go is in the financial services industry, where they are tasked with assessing risks for investors. What’s great about this role is that demand is expected to grow 24% by the end of the decade, which means finding a job should be a breeze.

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, you’ll first need to get yourself a bachelor’s degree in mathematics, business, or a related field. In order to become certified in this field, you’ll also need to pass a series of independent exams, many of which are notoriously difficult. Keep in mind that you can begin taking these independent exams while you’re in school to help speed up the process.


If you enjoy keeping up with market trends and studying their effects on the economy, this role is for you. As an economist, you’ll be putting your statistical and analytical skills to the test as you carefully study the economy, and identify and solve problems. Economists are a valuable asset to a variety of industries such as healthcare, financial services, and education, just to name a few.

Economists rely heavily on mathematics, so this course of study will include statistics, quantitative theory, and econometrics. This is one of those jobs where your level of education dictates your salary, which means you can land an entry-level position with a bachelor’s degree; however, far more opportunities will be open to you with either a master’s degree or PhD.

Aerospace Engineer

Do you find yourself mesmerized by airplanes, fighter jets, space vehicles, and other flying machines? If so, aerospace engineering is right up your alley. These professionals are involved in the building of all kinds of awesome aircraft. From research and development, all the way to design and manufacturing, you’ll be responsible for taking humankind to new heights—literally!

Those who are interested in this career path will need to get bachelor’s degree in engineering, and can expect to take classes in mathematics, physics, and even chemistry. Bear in mind that this career path is extremely challenging, but the results of your work have the potential to change the course of history, making it highly rewarding.

Math Professor

When you’re passionate about something, one of the most rewarding things you can do is share it with others. Yes friends, one of the best ways to show your love for mathematics is to teach if to a new generation of students. As a professor, you’ll be doing your part in shaping the future, while showing young people just how exciting mathematics can be.

It takes a special kind of person to be a great teacher, as you’ll have to be an expert in your field while also making your lessons interesting and engaging enough to hold the attention of an entire classroom. To be a math professor, you’ll most likely need a PhD in mathematics; however, certain schools will accept a master’s degree.


I think we can all agree that outer space is pretty awesome. If you’re into studying planets, stars, and all the mysteries of the universe, then you might be interested in a career in astronomy. In this role, you’ll be studying distant galaxies, neutron stars, black holes, and just about everything that exists out there in the final frontier, all while operating high-powered equipment such as the famous Hubble Space Telescope.

Astronomy is a very competitive field, and those who are up to the task will need a bachelor’s or master’s degree in mathematics, physics, or other related fields. The best candidates for this job are those who possess very strong analytical and computational skills, as the data sets you’ll be dealing with will be enormous—some might say they’re planet-sized!

Mathematics isn’t all about figuring out your Door Dash tip. In fact, those who study mathematics are very skilled individuals with the ability to think critically and creatively. These skills are extremely valuable to any organization, and employment for those with mathematics degrees is expected to grow by 31% in the next several years. So, with a little creative thinking and a passion for mathematics, you could land yourself a very rewarding career!
