5 Reasons Not to Quit Your Job Search During the Holidays

Published: Dec 11, 2023

 Job Search       Networking       Resumes & Cover Letters       
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Job searching can be tough. You can spend hours searching for the right roles, tailoring your resume, trying to perfect your application, and that still doesn't guarantee you’ll get an interview. So, when the holidays arrive, it stands to reason that you want to take some time off to relax and unwind. But, in fact, the holidays can be the perfect time to continue looking for that new job. And here are five reasons why you shouldn’t quit your job search during the festive season.

1. Take advantage of your time off 

It can be tempting to shut off during the holidays and give your brain a rest. After all, it’s been a busy year. However, this time away from your studies or current job presents you with the perfect opportunity to dedicate your time and efforts to the job search. Instead of spending another day sitting on the sofa, mindlessly scrolling through Instagram, you could put this time to good use. This is your chance to create an engaging resume and start exploring what roles are out there. If you start early enough, you might even be able to secure yourself a seasonal position to see you through the holidays.

2. Get ahead of the competition 

In the new year, lots of people will take the opportunity to set goals or resolutions for the year ahead and to take on new adventures. This means that in January you’ll be competing with a huge number of other enthusiastic professionals looking for a fresh start. But until then, it’s likely that they’ll take December to slow down, convinced there’s no point starting until the new year.  So, don’t let this opportunity pass you by; this is your chance to get ahead of the competition. You can take advantage of organized companies already advertising new roles and show potential employers that you’re driven and proactive.

3. Network

You might not think it, but the holiday season presents the perfect opportunity to network. For one thing, you can use your free time to research and connect with relevant professionals in your chosen industry, for example, on LinkedIn. But believe it or not, friends and family parties also offer a great chance for you to network.

When you find yourself talking to your parent's friends about your studies for the 10th time that day, take the opportunity to mention that you’re looking for work and what you want to do in the future. You never know what opportunities they may have available. Alternatively, they may know someone who is hiring or who can offer you a role. At the very least, they might keep you in mind for the future.

4. Turn seasonal work into something more permanent

The holidays typically see lots of temporary work becoming available as businesses need extra support during the busier periods.  While these roles might feel like placeholders and just a way to make some extra cash over, there is the possibility that these could lead to permanent opportunities. You might find you love the job and get on so well there that your employer asks you to stay on in the new year. Alternatively, you might want to use these seasonal positions as a chance to boost your transferable skills and add some experience to your resume. This will increase your chances of landing jobs in the future.

5. Take advantage of festive joy

Finally, most people are in a better mood around the festive season. They are looking forward to some time off work, family gatherings, great food, and twinkling lights everywhere. So why not take advantage of this festive joy? If you catch the hiring manager when they are in a great mood, they’re more likely to shortlist you or invite you in for an interview. Plus, you can take advantage of those businesses that are organized and already advertising roles for the new year. You can get your application in early and exploit the festive cheer going around. Either way, you will increase your chances of landing the job.

Andrew Fennell is the founder and director of StandOut CV, a leading CV builder and careers advice website. He is a former recruitment consultant and contributes careers advice to publications like Business Insider, The Guardian, and The Independent.
