Four Resolutions to Rock Your Job Search in 2010

Published: Dec 09, 2009

 Job Search       

AP Photo/Jockel Finck

We all know 2009 was a devastating yeareconomically for the US.  The goodnews is that next year, 2010, may promise recovery in some sectors.  The bad news is that the highunemployment rate will continue to be with us for quite some time. 

Sure, there will be fewer jobsavailable, but that doesn't mean there won't be opportunities.  Companies still do business and theystill need talented employees to help them better compete during the comingyear.

Are YOU a value-added employee?

Remember this: There is a placefor you in this evolving economy, but only if you think smarter andact differently than in the past. 

Here are four resolutions to maximize yourchances of scoring a job in 2010:


Resolution #1: Get in the Game:

Forgetpassivity and become proactive. Stretch yourself, get out of your comfort zoneand aggressively search beyond the listed jobs you find on the Internet. Thisrequires a game plan and the expectation that you’re going to win this game.This is no time to commiserate with those who want to bemoan how bad it is outthere.  Decide instead to excel andachieve at your job search.

Dosomething every day to further your search. Positive action diminishes anxietyand other negative feelings. This goes beyond survival of the fittest. Foranyone who wants to succeed, it requires an iron will and determination. Youwill not be defeated by this job search process. Continually remind yourselfthat you will prevail and you will outlast this challenge.


Resolution #2: Think and Talk ROI: 

Guesswhat? The old ways of selling your skills and time no longer work in this tougheconomy.  Now more than ever, youneed to demonstrate how you are a Problem Solver for your employer orclient.  Employers don’t hirepeople to be liabilities on theirbalance sheets. They hire people to be assets(to provide a Return On Investment) and to solve a problem. To do this, demonstrateclear benefits that you offer them.  

Take alook at your skills, experience, abilities and talents. Determine how you canbest help the employer either makemoney or savemoney. Turn your skills and talents into benefits that anemployer understands and appreciates. Pull out examples from your past workexperience. Ask yourself, “Howdid my work save time or money, make money, or otherwise improve the overallsituation for my employer?

Educationand skills, while valuable, do not translate into benefits. Instead, answerthis question: "What can I do for this employer that my competitorscan’t?"  You have a unique setof skills, experiences and talents. Turn them into a “Unique SellingProposition” that sells your biggest major asset that you alone can offer yournext employer.

Resolution#3: Widen Your Network

In thepast it was easier to find work by responding to ads found on the Internet jobboards or corporate websites. Now it’s foolhardy to limit yourself to Internetads and expect success. Here's why: According to the latest annual Source ofHire Study by CareerXRoads, only about 12% of new hires come from the jobboards.  As many as 27%, however,spring from internal sources. That means "networking".

Startwidening your network both in person and online. Begin by making some newcontacts each week through local events or related professional meetings.Online, you can use social networking sites by adding your bio and profile.LinkedIn and Facebook also have a "groups" feature that allows you toseek out and join other groups, not only in job search, like my VIP Club, butalso industry and professional groups that you can introduce yourself to.  The "Ask/Answer a Question"feature is another good way to establish your expertise among a selected targetgroup.  Twitter has also become anexcellent way to follow movers and shakers plus make yourself known to a widerplaying field. 

Thatsaid, don’t forget family, friends and neighbors who might know someone. Jobsearch is about connections.  Themore connections you can make, the higher your chances of success.

Resolution#4: Inoculate Yourself Against Negative Messages

Succeeding at a job search is a mentalprocess requiring us to be "on" at the flip of a switch.Unfortunately, negative input can poison youroutlook and lead to fear, discouragement, anxiety and other negative emotions.Start by turning off the "noise" from the outside world as much aspossible for at least a space of time each day as you concentrate on yoursearch.  That includes the news andthe inevitable negative commentary in the media.  Associate with positive people and protect yourself from alltypes of negativity. A job search can be a big undertaking and you can't afford to be exposed to thenegativity of others, whether it comes from friends, relatives, print media, radio or TV. Readbooks and articles that motivate,encourage and inspire you. Avoid anything and anyone that doesn't fall intothis category.


From this vantage point, it appears that thejob search market will still be tough and competitive throughout most of2010.  Get an early edge byimplementing these four resolutions now to gain an advantage over yourcompetitors this year.

A former recruiter, JoeTurner spent 15 years finding and placing top candidates in some of the bestjobs of their careers.  The authorof Job Search Secrets Unlocked and Paycheck911, Joe also hosts his Job Search Guy RadioShow as well as weekly Resume WritingWorkshops to thousands of job seekers across North America.Joe's website also offers free tipsand advice on landing a job in this tough economy.
