McDonald's- Owning an Emotion

Published: Mar 10, 2009

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Very few brands have been able to create an emotional relationship with the consumer the way McDonald's has. While better known for its innovative way of standardizing the fast food process (all hamburgers are cooked the same, all kitchens are laid out in exactly the same way, etc.), McDonald's main reason for success may be that it understood the value of building a bond with its consumers before any other restaurant did. By creating the concept of a "Happy Meal" and consistently partnering with Disney to capitalize on the latest movie trend, McDonald's has been extremely successful marketing to kids and families. The franchise's most memorable advertising positions the brand as "the place to go when celebrating a special family occasion". Whether it is after Johnny wins the Little League Championship game, or after Jessica's first tooth falls out, McDonald's has always been the place to celebrate togetherness. Although the meals are pretty cheap, consumers who equate McDonald's family life with will tell you that eating at McDonald's is priceless.
