5 LinkedIn Tips for Students

Published: Jul 11, 2024

 Career Readiness       Education       Grad School       Networking       Resumes & Cover Letters       
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Leveraging LinkedIn can provide you with a significant advantage at any stage of your career, including at the college stage. As a student, integrating your resume with a strong LinkedIn presence can open doors to numerous opportunities. So, here are five essential LinkedIn tips for students.

1. Create a strong profile

Your LinkedIn profile serves as your online professional identity, complementing your resume. Start with a professional photo—clear, well-lit, and reflective of your desired industry. A polished image helps create a positive first impression and adds a personal touch to your profile. Next, make sure your headline reflects more than just your current status; it should also encapsulate your career ambitions and key skills. For example, instead of just “Student at XYZ University,” try “Aspiring Marketing Specialist with Experience in Social Media Strategies.”

As for the summary (“About”) section, this is your chance to tell your story. Unlike the brief personal summary on your resume, your LinkedIn summary can be more detailed. You’ll want to highlight your key accomplishments, career goals, and what drives you professionally. Use this space to reflect your passion and enthusiasm for your chosen field. Maybe you also want to briefly mention specific projects or experiences that have shaped your career path and explain how these experiences have prepared you for future opportunities. Your summary helps potential employers understand your background and see the potential you bring to the table.

Finally, you’ll want to populate your “Experience” and “Education” sections with any relevant work and internship experience, along with your most recent educational details, including majors, significant fields of study, and degrees and/or anticipated degrees.

2. Build your credibility

Your resume lists your experiences and qualifications, but LinkedIn offers the opportunity to validate and expand on these claims. Recommendations and endorsements are powerful tools for building credibility. Reach out to professors, internship supervisors, and colleagues to endorse your skills and write recommendations. These testimonials provide third-party validation of your abilities and character, adding a layer of authenticity to your profile. Ensure that your endorsements align with the skills you want to highlight for your desired career path.

Additionally, publish articles or posts related to your field of study or industry. Sharing your insights and knowledge demonstrates your expertise and commitment. Engaging in discussions and commenting on posts by industry leaders can also enhance your visibility and credibility. Actively participating in the LinkedIn community shows that you are informed and engaged in your industry, which can attract the attention of recruiters and hiring managers.

3. Expand your network

Networking is a crucial aspect of career growth, and LinkedIn is an invaluable tool for building professional connections. Start by connecting with classmates, professors, and colleagues from internships or part-time jobs. Join LinkedIn groups related to your field of interest; these groups are excellent for meeting professionals and staying updated on industry trends. Participation in these groups allows you to share your opinions and learn from others, fostering professional relationships that could benefit your career.

When sending connection requests, always personalize your message. Mention where you met or why you’re interested in connecting. A thoughtful approach shows professionalism and increases the likelihood of your request being accepted. Building a diverse and robust network can lead to potential job opportunities, mentorship, and industry insights that are invaluable as you start your career.

4. Stay active and engaged

Maintaining an active LinkedIn presence is key to leveraging the platform effectively. Regularly update your profile with new skills, experiences, and achievements. Share relevant articles, comment on posts, and participate in discussions. This not only keeps your profile fresh but also helps you stay informed about industry developments. By regularly interacting with content, you signal to your network that you are continuously learning and staying engaged in your field.

Follow companies and influencers in your field. Engaging with their content can provide insights and make you more visible to potential employers. Your activity on LinkedIn should reflect your interest and involvement in your industry, showcasing you as an active and informed professional. Being active on LinkedIn also allows you to stay aware of job openings, industry news, and trends that could impact your career.

5. Seek out internships and job opportunities

LinkedIn’s job search feature is a powerful tool for finding internships and entry-level positions. Set up job alerts for roles that match your career interests. Tailor your resume and LinkedIn profile to highlight relevant skills and experiences for each application. Use the platform to research companies, understand their culture, and identify key contacts within the organization. Additionally, many companies post job openings exclusively on LinkedIn, so regularly checking the platform can give you access to exclusive opportunities.

Engage with company posts and reach out to recruiters directly through LinkedIn messaging to express your interest and stand out from other applicants. Personalized messages to recruiters or hiring managers can make a significant impact and demonstrate your proactive approach.

Andrew Fennell is the founder and director of StandOut CV, a leading CV builder and careers advice website. He is a former recruitment consultant and contributes careers advice to publications like Business Insider, The Guardian, and The Independent.
