Top Black Professional Networks in STEM

Published:  Feb 16, 2024

 Diversity       Networking       Technology       
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Today we’re going to showcase some of the top organizations for Black professionals in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The objective of these organizations is to provide a platform for innovation, collaboration, and the empowerment of Black professionals in the world of STEM. If you’re looking for similar organizations outside of STEM, check out our previous blog. Now, without further ado, let’s get started.

National Society of Black Engineers

The NSBE was founded in 1975 and remains one of the largest student-governed organizations in the United States. As of the present, the NSBE consists of more than 600 chapters, with over 24,000 active members. The organization provides support for collegiate and pre-collegiate students, as well as professionals in engineering and technology. The NSBE’s mission is “to increase the number of culturally responsible Black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community.”

National Society of Black Physicists

At the third annual Day of Scientific Lectures and Seminars (DOSLAS) in 1975, Dr. Jim Davenport, Dr. Walter Massey, and several of their colleagues took on the task of founding a national organization for Black professionals in physics. Two years later the NSBP was established, and it has since grown to include over one hundred professionals and students. The organization’s mission is to promote the professional well-being of established African-American physicists, while also supporting the career development of students and young professionals through a variety of programs and activities.

Blacks in Technology

CEO Greg Greenlee founded BIT in 2012 with the intention of creating a space for Black people to thrive in the tech industry. The organization places special emphasis on community-focused activities and events in order to encourage collaboration, while also providing resources and guidance to students and young professionals. BIT is dedicated to increasing the representation and participation of Black professionals in the technology industry.

Black Data Processing Associates

The BDPA was founded in 1975 by Earl Pace. The organization was originally intended to promote and support minority professionals in the Information Technology industry; however, by the mid-1980s BDPA had established itself as a leader in technology and STEM training for both professionals and students. The organization’s National High School Computer Competition (HSCC) has inspired tens of thousands of students to develop skills in coding and application development, and the BDPA is also well-known for helping students obtain scholarships.

Black Women Talk Tech

BWTT was founded in 2017 by Esosa Ighodaro and Regina Gwynn. The purpose of the conference is to create a space where Black women in the tech industry can share ideas, collaborate, and receive career support and guidance. The conference is currently the largest gathering of Black women in tech, and its primary goal is to encourage Black women to “build the next billion-dollar business.” Most recently, BWTT announced its “Ideas on Tap: A Pitch Practice School” event series, which provides a platform for women in tech to share their ideas on green tech, smart cities, sustainability, and more.

National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers

The origins of the NOBCChE can be traced back to 1972 when a committee was formed to gauge interest in establishing a formal organization dedicated to the professional advancement of Black chemists and chemical engineers. After an overwhelmingly positive response, the NOBCChE was created, and its very first meeting was held in New Orleans in 1974. The NOBCChE provides Black chemists and chemical engineers with a forum to present technical papers, discuss various studies, and solve problems that Black professionals face.


Makinde Adeagbo founded /dev/color in 2015 with a small group of colleagues from Silicon Valley, and the organization has since grown to include more than 600 professional members. Similar to many of the other organizations on this list, /dev/color provides a platform for Black professionals to collaborate and discuss challenges they face in the tech industry. The organization also offers its A* (A Star) program, which is designed to provide young software engineers with support and mentorship.

It’s important to remember that this list isn’t exhaustive, and there are many organizations out there for Black professionals and students in STEM to explore, such as the Association of Black Women Physicians, Code2040, Black Tech Nation, and Black Girls Code, just to name a few. Whether you’re a student, a young professional, or a veteran in the STEM field, these organizations are extremely helpful when it comes to networking, job hunting, and career development, so it would be to your advantage to find one that works best for you.


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