A Job for the Unemployed: How to Pay for Your Next Night Out

Published: Feb 26, 2010

Need to earn a few extra bucks with minimal time commitment? What about earning those dollars from your computer between updating your Twitter status and proofing your resume for an upcoming interview? I know this sounds like a spam email, but bear with me.

On the flip side, are you willing to pay a few dollars (or just cents) to do all the little chores you don't have time to do? Upload the photos from last weekend's birthday party, comment on your blog post, proofread a cover letter? You could hire a personal assistant, or you could check out Microworkers.

The new site is a job board for mini-tasks. Each "job" takes between five to 20 minutes and usually pays a dollar or two. Says UrbanDaddy: "Consider it your own personal jobs board for life's tiniest tasks." While Microworkers probably isn't going to lead to your next full-time gig, it'll certainly help you afford some of the luxuries you've "recession-ed" out of your budget until you find a new job. Plus, if you do a great job, your "mini-boss" can submit a rave review your work--and getting an ego boost when you're sending out your 100th job application isn't a bad thing.

--Posted by Carolyn C. Wise, Senior Education Editor
