He's Hired!

Published: Jun 03, 2009

The next time you're wasting time playing around with Google Maps, think about this story. One enterprising guy used the service to narrow down his choice of prospective employers (in this case, accounting firms) in several areas of the country, and, literally, check out the neighborhoods. He then used links to get to the firms' corporate home page to search for and apply to open spots. It helped that he was completely open to a move anywhere in the U.S. -- and was ultimately successful in just a month's time. He only had to move 150 miles to do it (to Chicago from Michigan), and started early last month. So, yes, it can be done -- keep at it!

--Posted by Todd Obolsky, Vault Staff Writer

PS This item sprung from the CNNMoney.com site, as part of its "Hired!" series. The company also maintains a digital "Hired!" wall on Facebook, filled with job seekers looking for leads, commiseration, and new nodes for their career-related networks.
