"Social Media Unleashed"--Brand Building Isn't Just For Busi

Published: Nov 11, 2009

As mentioned previously, Team Vault was in attendance at the "Social Media Unleashed" seminar at the Harvard Club in NYC last night. During the course of the presentation, former Google engineer and founder of AES Connect Mark Otuteye covered a broad range of social media-related issues, trends and platforms. While much of it was aimed at leveraging social media technologies for the purposes of business and brand building, the bottom line for anyone who hasn't yet dipped a toe into social media waters is to do so: there's very little to lose, tons to gain, and the vast majority of it is free.

For those that think they may be too old, or too advanced in their careers to bother with having a social media presence, Otuteye stressed a couple of points: first, that the likes of Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter aren't just for the young 'uns any more: people of all ages—literally—are using these technologies and benefiting from them. And, they're about much more than just letting other people know what you ate for lunch: according to Otuteye, it's easier than ever to establish yourself as a respected name (or even an out-and-out expert) in your field. All you need is a blog, something to say, and the drive to go out and find people who will listen.

For more reasons on why you should consider joining the social media revolution—and why it could play an important part in your next job search-- check out the video below. Otuteye played it at the event last night, and it has a whole bunch of interesting stats and information on who's using social media, and what they're getting out of it.

--Posted by Phil Stott, Vault.com
