Starbucks Will Now Win Back Your Heart...With Scones! [Free

Published: Jul 17, 2009

We're all about free activities and free swag, but what really gets our freedom loving juices flowing has been a staple of our diet since college: free food! This summer we've already seen the great Oprah free KFC giveaway that threatened the very fabric of our social fiber. Now, in another attempt to shake up the corporate streamlining of America that we've all come to know and love, Starbucks is joining the freebie parade!

The Seattle-based coffee giant and unofficial root of America's borderline insane coffee obsession has recently run aground of tough times and is looking to rebound. First, they attempted to reinvent themselves by trying to be McDonalds, which has of course recently started selling lattes in an effort to be Starbucks. Now, in addition to testing oddly named new stores which will sell booze and offer live music (sort of like the neighborhood coffee joint that used to be there before it got plowed under for the corporate monolith formerly known as Starbucks) they're jumping on the healthy greenwagon, touting foodstuffs free of artificial flavors, dyes and trans fats. And to celebrate their new, improved, apparently more "real" food offerings, Starbucks are giving back with a coupon for a FREE pastry.* Print out the coupon and claim your FREE** Starbucks on Tuesday, July 21. They may have shut down those 600 stores, but we're pretty sure there are still three on your block.

*Pastry must be selected from list of eligible pastries. Offer valid only with purchase of drink. So they're not actually giving you something for nothing, but freedom isn't free, people!


**Again, the whole "not really free" thing...


--Posted by Steven Schiff, Asst. Producer
