The Cover Letter/Resume Hybrid

Published: Mar 10, 2009

 Resumes & Cover Letters       
Use a resume letter when you want a non-traditional way to give the reader a quick snapshot of who you are and what you've accomplished. While this format is certainly attention-getting, it should only be used when the company did not ask specifically for a resume and cover letter (you always want to give the employer what they want). In cold mailings, of course, the resume letter option is yours.

In essence, the resume letter replaces the middle paragraph of the cover letter and its basic overview of your attributes with a detailed list of specific information more common to a resume. While this information can be delivered in the form of a regular paragraph, the paragraph is usually replaced with bulleted statements similar to the Summary of Qualifications section in the resume part of the book.

Since the resume letter is sent without the assistance of a resume to provide a factual record, you must use even more specifics in your statements: mention companies you've been associated with, experiences you've had and skills you've acquired.

The paragraph or two immediately following your bulleted statements offer a summation of your qualifications or attributes. End with a normal conclusion paragraph.

The resume letter definitely stands out. But while the resume letter does offer some advantages in communicating your information, it does, however, have some important disadvantages as well. Since it replaces the resume with only a minimal amount of information, it is very difficult to know what facts might be most vital for the reader. Large companies will have difficulty scanning them. At their best, resume letters can inspire employers to contact you for interviews. At their worst, the limited data of your resume letter could lack the information employers need. ~

Check out this cover letter/resume!
