Guess Which MBAs Earn the Most
Published: Jan 11, 2016

Are you looking for proof that, the higher you go in an organization, the less likely you are to be a victim of pay discrimination because of your gender or race?
Sorry about that:
As the above chart from Bloomberg shows, even at post-MBA level, a pay gap exists not only between members of different racial groups, but also between men and women within those racial groupings. At the top of the hierarchy: white and Asian males. At the bottom: black, Hispanic and Native American women.
Depressingly, it doesn't even appear to be the case that the pay differences are attributable to different groups selecting different career fields--a reason that is often used to explain part of the gap between men and women. As the Bloomberg article notes, some 44 percent of all MBA grads went into finance and consulting, where white and Asian MBA's out-earn their black and Hispanic counterparts significantly and where, presumably, men continue to outearn women.
In the coming days, I'll break down some of the salary data from Vault's consulting survey to see how well it chimes with the picture Bloomberg is painting. Until then, feel free to chip in with your own thoughts on the subject in the comments below.