Real law firms have blogs

Published:  Mar 15, 2007


Real lawyers have blogs, contends former trial lawyer and current CEO of LexBlog, Inc., Kevin O’Keefe. Bolstering his argument, O’Keefe has released the latest “State of the AmLaw 200 Blogosphere,” which reports that nearly half (48 percent) of the 2009 AmLaw 200 law firms are now blogging, contributing 297 blogs to the blogosphere. In August 2007, when LexBlog released its first report, just 39 of the AmLaw 200 had blogs.

To see which law firms are writing about what topics, check out the complete list, usefully sorted by both firm and blog name, and including brief descriptions. And if you’re interested in developing your own “blogging voice,” LexBlog is offering a free webinar this Thursday at 12 pm EDT. [Hat tip to’s Legal Blog Watch]

- posted by vera


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