Register for Vault Law's OCI Readiness Summit
Published: May 05, 2022
On Friday, May 20, 2022, Vault Law will host an OCI Readiness Summit for law students looking to prepare for and find summer and other associate positions through OCI. You can register for this free informational summit here, and learn more about it below.
Learn About Vault Law
Former BigLaw attorney and current Vault Law editor Travis Whitsitt will present a keynote speech on Vault Law's myriad content offerings and how they can assist legal job seekers at every stage of their careers.
Join an Interview Stages Panel Discussion
All attendees will have the opportunity to listen in on a panel discussion about the various stages of the interview process. The interviews performed on campus are only the first step. Our panelists are Skadden's Andrew Karp, Allen & Overy's Daniel Vatanaviggun, AZA Law's John Zavitsanos, and Weil's Wesley Powell. They will discuss how to ace those screeners, but they'll also give you an inside look at how to secure a spot during your callback interviews with the firms you want to check out.
Join a Panel on Succeeding as a Summer Associate
Hear from panelists who actually assess summer work product and interview prospective associates to learn inside tips on how to make the most of your summer program and turn it into a permanent job offer by summer's end. Our panelists include Daniel Prince from Paul Hastings, Jackie Marino from Davis & Polk, and Nana-Gyasa Kessie from White and Case.
Join a Fireside Chat on the Career Search for LLMs
This special content geared toward LLM students will focus on the unique job seeking process LLMs will undergo, the differences in navigating the job market and how to succeed inside it, the advantage that international students bring to employers, how to highlight that advantage, and inside tips to finding full-time employment in the U.S. This will be an hourlong fireside chat between Travis Whitsitt and Vanderbilt Law's Nicholas Alexiou.
Learn About Top Employers Through Virtual Booths
In addition to benefiting from talks and panel discussions, you'll gain insights and expertise from representatives from many top employers who actively recruit, interview, and make hiring decisions. Several employers will host virtual booths, and within those booths you can get inside information on those employers.
How to Register
The Vault Law OCI Readiness Summit is free, and you can register here.