Send lawyers, guns and money

Published: Nov 12, 2007


Today’s round-up:


* A third-year law student at Indiana University who shot up his real estate casebook (something most 3Ls only dream of doing) was released from jail last week to the care of his grandmother and the services of an alcohol treatment center.


* An Oregon judge ruled on Friday that a high school English teacher can’t take her Glock semi-automatic to school. The teacher reportedly plans to appeal, though she concedes that there’s little point in secretly packing a pistol if everyone knows you’ve got it ("The whole point of carrying concealed is no one should know you're carrying," she said. "So I feel like my carrying concealed on campus now sets me up as a target.")


* Meanwhile, the Supreme Court is expected to announce any day whether it will take up a case challenging the constitutionality of D.C.’s handgun ban. In March, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit struck down the District’s strict gun-control ordinance as a violation of the Second Amendment’s right to bear arms. Should the high court take the appeal, it would be the justices’ first consideration of the controversial amendment’s meaning since 1939.


Update Nov 20: Supreme Court agrees to hear the case.


- posted by vera
