The Best Law Firms for Wellness

Published:  Oct 08, 2020


Law is a demanding profession with steep hours, high stress, and immense pressure—and in recent years, law firms have begun answering the call for more resources to support well-being. That’s why this year, Vault launched its first-ever law firm wellness rankings (for both large and midsize firms) to highlight industry leaders in this area. The rankings are derived from Vault’s Annual Associate Survey, through which associates rated their firms’ efforts regarding attorney wellness on a 10-point scale. Associates also provided comments on their firms’ wellness initiatives. The survey results showed an impressive array of wellness initiatives, such as 24/7 access to counseling services, in-house medical care, on-premise gyms, fitness discounts, meditation apps, yoga, healthy food options, and more.

So what does wellness look like within the Top 30 Best Law Firms for Wellness? In the videos below, you’ll hear directly from some of these top-ranked firms about why wellness is important, what initiatives they offer, and what advice they have for law students. Watch the videos to learn more about these firms’ wellness initiatives.

#3: McDermott Will & Emery

Among its many initiatives, McDermott offers billable-hours credits for mindfulness, which encourages associates to step away from work to refresh and re-energize. Check out the below video to learn about McDermott’s approach to wellness.



#7 Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg LLP

Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg offers a wide range of wellness initiatives, from webinars and monthly emails to fitness challenges and partnerships with Headspace and Homethrive. Check out the below video to learn about Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg's approach to wellness.


#11: Latham & Watkins LLP

Under Latham’s robust wellness program, the firm’s Los Angeles (and soon New York) office boasts an on-site wellness center that employs health professionals. Check out the below video to learn about Latham’s approach to wellness.



#15: Cooley LLP

Cooley’s wellness-related benefits include the Modern Health app, meditation and mindfulness activities, a fitness stipend, a Peloton group, and more. Check out the below video to learn about Cooley’s approach to wellness.



#20: Thompson & Knight LLP

Thompson & Knight offers a full set of wellness perks— including extensive support for working parents, from stress management to meal planning. Check out the below video to learn about Thompson & Knight’s approach to wellness.



#30: Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP

Patterson Belknap‘s wellness perks range from access to Headspace and discounted gym memberships to financial wellness training and a partnership with Homethrive—and more. Check out the below video to learn about Patterson Belknap’s approach to wellness from the firm's managing partner.



Congratulations to these and all of our top-ranked firms for recognizing the importance of attorney well-being! To view the 2021 Best Law Firms for Wellness, click here. To view the 2021 Best Midsize Law Firms for Wellness, click here.


Join Us for a Wellness Webinar!  Don’t miss our upcoming conversation with certified coach Jonathan Beitner on tips for well-being, mindfulness, and productivity for law students. Be sure to join our live webinar today, October 8, at 12:00 p.m. ETregister here!


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