6 Ways to Increase Your Visibility in a Remote Setting

Published: Oct 18, 2021

 Career Readiness       Workplace Issues       Work Relationships       
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Working remotely offers many rewards, but it also comes with challenges. One challenge is remaining visible to your colleagues and managers when you’re a remote worker. So here are six ways to help you be better heard and seen in a remote setting.

1. Embrace internal communications 

Assuming your workplace has an internal system for collaborating with colleagues, be sure to make use of it. For example, video chat has come a long way since the pandemic hit. Multi-taskers can chat with colleagues on one tab and join a meeting on another, all while rapidly changing their backgrounds (nothing says 2021 like an interesting virtual backdrop). Being involved with your colleagues and sharing things strengthens the work bond, and is also important for your sanity if you’re alone all day.

2. Volunteer your voice 

It’s crucial to speak up during video meetings with the rest of your team. We can all sit and listen, but you’ll seem more interested and invested if you take an active role in conversations. So, never stay silent during a meeting. Make sure to let your voice be heard at least once during every meeting.

3. Be proactive and positive

To gain a deeper connection with your colleagues, reach out to them in a positive way. Working remotely can be isolating, and by being proactive, you could help workmates who need some light relief. It’s always a good idea to offer your help on projects if time allows—it’s sure to be gratefully received. This also makes it clear that you’re present and working hard even if you’re not in the office.

4. Ditch the downtime look

Tempting as it is to spend all day in lounge clothes, donning workwear will make you feel more professional. You’ll look the part, too. Get ready as if you’re heading into the office and see how much more productive you are. Of course, you’ll also make a better impression during your video chats, which can often happen at a moment’s notice. So, dressing the part will allow you to be prepared at any time to hop onto a work call.

5. Participate in extracurriculars

You should also find out what’s going on within your company. Maybe there’s a charity event or fundraising event to get involved with. If so, join your colleagues. This kind of behavior reinforces company values and brings your team closer together. Note that while it may seem like it takes extra effort at first, once you’re in the swing of things, chances are you’ll enjoy the extracurricular activities—and it won’t be any effort at all. You’ll also earn brownie points with the people who matter and could even make a positive difference outside of your workplace.

6. Share your achievements

No one likes a show-off, but sharing achievements with the rest of your team can be a very good thing. Doing so encourages others to join in, which can make for interesting and constructive discussions on the internal work chat. Subconsciously, acknowledging these wins spreads a positive vibe throughout the team and makes sure your name is being discussed by all the right people. 

John Allen is the Director of SEO for 8x8, a leading communication platform with integrated cloud contact center, voice, video, and chat functionality. John is a marketing professional with over 14 years of experience in the field, and an extensive background in building and optimizing digital marketing programs across SEM, SEO, and a myriad of services. You can connect with him on LinkedIn.
