Take the 2012 Accounting Survey Quiz

Published:  Mar 21, 2012

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This year, a record number of accountants filled out our annual Accounting Survey, the results of which are used to create the Vault Accounting 50, a ranking of the best accounting firms to work for in North America. Below is a short quiz (with answers at bottom) that highlights some of the survey's demographic and general findings (note: complete and firm-specific results will be available in just over three weeks). Good luck.


1. Approximately what percentage of respondents previously held internships at their current firm?
(a) 25
(b) 50

(c) 75

(d) 85

2. On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is completely unsatisfied and 10 is completely satisfied, what is the average rating respondents give to their satisfaction with the number of hours they spend working?
(a) 5.5

(b) 6.5
c) 7.5

(d) 8.5

3. On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is inadequate and 10 extremely generous, what is the average rating respondents give to their compensation?
(a) 6

(b) 7

(c) 8

(d) 9

4. What percentage of respondents received a bonus last year?

(a) 63

(b) 73

(c) 83

(d) 93

5. What percentage of respondents identify themselves as being white (caucasian)?
(a) 57

(b) 67

(c) 77

(d) 87

6. What percentage of respondents identify themselves as being openly gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender?
(a) 1

(b) 2

(c) 3

(d) 4

7. What was the male/female ratio of survey respondents?
(a) 80/20

(b) 70/30 

(c) 60/40

(d) 50/50

8. Approximately what percentage of respondents rate their firm's business outlook a 9 or 10 (on a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is "in a precarious position" and 10 is "well positioned to thrive")?

(a) 25

(b) 50

(c) 75

(d) 80

9. On a scale of 1 to 10 (where 1 is not at all and 10 is extremely) what is the average rating respondents give to their overall satisfaction with their jobs?
(a) 6

(b) 7

(c) 8

(d) 9

10. Which was the single most important factor to respondents when deciding to accept their firm's offer over others?

(a) Compensation

(b) Firm culture/colleagues

(c) Lifestyle/work-life balance

(d) Prestige

11. What percentage of respondents say they would recommend joining their firm to a friend?

(a) 63

(b) 73

(c) 83

(d) 93

Answers: (1) c, (2) c, (3) b, (4) a, (5) d, (6) a, (7) d, (8) b, (9) c, (10) b, (11) d


1-4: prepare to be audited

5-8: your assets and liabilities don’t balance

9-11: your income statement is well in the black

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