
BKD is now part of the accounting firm Forvis Mazars.
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BKD is now part of Forvis Mazars.
About the Company
BKD is now part of the accounting firm Forvis Mazars. Before its acquisition, BKD was based in Missouri and brought old-fashioned Midwestern values to the world of big time accounting. BKD promised to go “beyond your numbers” and give you a friendly face to talk to who would know you and your business inside and out. The firm’s employees were located throughout Arkansas, Indiana, Ohio, Colorado, Texas, Nebraska, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Illinois. Before it became part of Forvis Mazars, BKD had been one of the 15-largest accounting firms in the U.S. by annual revenues.
Employee Reviews
- "I enjoy all the different challenges that I am given. I feel like the hours are manageable, and everybody pitches in if the work load is un-even."
- "There is at least one night where we all go out together after dinner to socialize. Frequent Friday night happy hours are attended by managers and staff."
- "As I get older, I value my personal time away from the job more. When you are young, you should expect to work longer hours."
- "Our office promotes work/life balance and teamwork. Partners have an open-door policy and even eat in the lunch room with us."
Getting Hired Here
- "Looking for smart, motivated, talented, hardworking, open-minded, career-oriented students who have a good work ethic."