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Ernst & Young LLP (EY)

One Manhattan West
395 Ninth Avenue
New York, NY 10001
(212) 773-3000



EY is one of the prestigious Big 4 accounting firms. It offers endless career development opportunities, including coaching, mentoring, training, web-based learning, and experience working with multinational clients. DE&I are core to EY’s DNA. EY is extremely transparent about its diversity goals and progress, and has been named a best employer for diversity.

Company Stats


Employer Type




10,001+ Employees


Featured Rankings

Vault Accounting 25


Major Departments



Major Office Locations



Employment Contact

Heather Rondorf, Americas Talent Attraction and Acquisition Leader...

Vault Verdict

EY is ideally looking for self-motivated, intelligent team players who are eager to learn and have strong academic records, excellent communication skills, and solid leadership skills. Involvement in extracurriculars such as school clubs, sports, and student organizations are also ideal. For students, EY runs an extremely valuable internship program, providing interns with tons of hands-on, real-life experience, many opportunities to meet and network with other interns and staff, and exposure to EY’s culture. For its full-time staff, the firm provides extensive growth and learning opportunities, including significant technical and professional trainings, a lot of early responsibility, and internal mobility options.

Although like at most public accounting fi...

About the Company

Ernst & Young LLP (EY US) is a member firm of Big 4 accounting legend EY, a global organization of member firms. EY US provides consulting, assurance, tax, and strategy and transactions services. Its industry specializations include consumer products; financial services (asset management, banking and capital markets, private equity, and insurance); real estate (construction and hospitality and leisure); life sciences (biotechnology, medical technology, and pharmaceutical); media and entertainment; mining and metals; technology; automotive; telecommunications; oil and gas; power and utilities; cleantech; government and public sector; provider care; retail and wholesale; and support of entrepreneurial businesses. EY has ranked on Great Place to Work and Fortune’s 100 Best Companies to Work For list for over 25 years. In 2024, EY ranked No. 3 o...

Employee Reviews

  • “The firm has always been first class in flexibility and allowing our people to do what is important in their life, whether it be regular workouts, kids’ activities, coaching, whatever. On the flip side, this career does not always allow for flexibility in certain times of the year, and the hours during peaks of busy seasons are very difficult to digest. I don’t think there is a great solution—there is work that needs to get done and limited time to do it. We just seem to constantly run on a tight headcount, which means that during peak times the hours are absorbed by fewer people.”

  • “It’s an extremely flexible environment where one does not have one boss to report to but rather client responsibilities for which one is accountable to supervisors. This allows for a degree of flexibility in how one meets their client’s responsibilities. However, in a professional service business, one must be responsive to the needs of clients, which at times requires a level of responsiveness that can challenge work/life balance for intermittent periods of time.”

  • “Overall, we have a lot of work that needs to be done, likely more so than peers that work in corporate accounting. However, at EY, we have maximum flexibility to do our work. We don't have a ‘boss’ that we report to; we can show up to work when we want and leave when we want, and generally speaking our deadlines only happen once per year and are known way in advance. I’ve been with the firm for several years and have never had to say ‘no’ to a trip or something important that I wanted to do outside of work.”

  • “At EY, we have a ‘flexible’ vacation policy, meaning you are not allotted PTO hours but can simply request time off as needed. I find this to be a huge benefit, although the chargeability requirements remain the same (e.g., an employee who takes 10 days off and an employee who takes 50 days off still have to work the same number of billable client hours, one just over a smaller number of days). I have found that as long as you get your work done on time and communicate early, there are no issues with taking time off.”

Getting Hired Here

  • “We hold virtual interviews generally within one to two weeks of applicants applying. This allows us to interview students and get them through the process quickly. Callback process for students we’re making offers to: we’ll generally call them back the same day they interviewed or within one to two days at the latest. Ideal candidate: we hire the top students from the best accounting departments who are very involved in clubs/sports/student organizations, quick learners, good communicators and presenters, have strong leadership and teaming skills, and sometimes working a part-time job.”

  • “Our interview process is fairly standard, consisting of primarily campus recruiting, office interviews and follow-ups. Ideal candidate is intelligent, capable, and a team player. Also someone who wants to learn and is interested in building and maintaining relationships.”

  • “Our firm seems to be seeking individuals who show a history of being proficient at learning new things and willing to learn new things. Knowledge of accounting is required, as that is a basis, but the expectation really is that people who start here don’t know how to do the job, and that’s okay—as long as they're willing to figure it out.”

  • “I find the interview process to be strong. For college/entry-level position interviews that I have participated in, the process is thorough. For my experience within audit, we are seeking individuals interested in starting their career in audit, are professional and presentable for client-facing interactions, and have a plan to obtain their CPA license. We are seeking self-motivated individuals who are enthusiastic about new opportunities and contributing to a team.”

Perks & Benefits

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