345 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10154-0102
(212) 758-9700



Part of the prestigious Big 4, KPMG offers the ability to drive your own career. Development opportunities include strong training, the ability to move locations and change roles, and the ability to switch practice areas. Wellness offerings are extensive, and there are several valuable affinity groups that support women, people of color, and LGBTQ+ individuals.

Company Stats


Employer Type




10,001+ Employees


Featured Rankings

Vault Accounting 25


Major Departments



Major Office Locations

New York, NY


Employment Contact

Kathleen Schaum, Executive Director, University Talent Acquisition

Vault Verdict

Part of the prestigious Big 4, KPMG is ideally looking for highly intelligent, dependable, self-motivated, quick-learning candidates with strong interpersonal skills, a strong work ethic, and a desire to improve. KPMG runs a valuable internship program for students, offering interns extensive interaction with professionals, great training, significant real-world experience, and the ability to work with various clients, learn different industries, and understand different aspects of the audit, tax and advisory business, and business process groups. For its full-time professionals, KPMG offers many development opportunities, including helpful formal and on-the-job training and a very clear and fair promotion process.

While busy seasons typically mean more work and ...

About the Company

With more than 36,000 professionals in more than 90 offices across the U.S., KPMG LLP has rightfully earned its place among accounting’s Big 4. KPMG, the fourth largest accounting firm in the U.S. by revenues, is the independent U.S. member firm of KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee, whose member firms can be found in 143 countries and territories and have approximately 273,000 professionals. KPMG’s service lines are divided into audit, tax, and advisory, with industry-specific focus in each.

In the U.S., KPMG works for clients in numerous industry sectors, including aerospace and defense, alternative investments, asset management, automotive and transportation; banking and capital markets; building, construction, and real estate; consumer and retail; energy and chemicals; financial services;...

Employee Reviews

  • “The flexibility is great, both from a hybrid work and time off perspective. My supervisors consistently encourage us to use our time wisely and to feel empowered to take time to take care of personal things and work in our own time as needed, as long as work is getting done. In non-busy season, I have a great balance, and even now in busy season it is significantly better and more flexible than in the past due to improvements in the firm’s engagement management. I feel like I have a life in January and February now.”

  • “Best: The huge number of paid holidays (I think 18) plus four to five weeks of PTO depending on your level. Local leadership and direct managers place an emphasis on taking that PTO and respecting your time away. Worst: Given the nature of the job, client interactions can sometimes be difficult. However, I would always say that the good client relationships have always outweighed the difficult, and the difficult provide the best learning opportunities for soft skills to make you a better professional overall, no matter what job or company you’re at in the future.”

  • “Busy seasons obviously contain more work and therefore longer hours. Outside of busy season, the rest of the year is calm and relaxing, so far. KPMG provides a great amount of PTO in addition to summer and winter shutdowns (two weeks).”

  • “A lot of vacation time, a lot of flexibility in work location. Sometimes long hours. I’m very busy only in January and February; the remaining of the year I work about 45 hours a week.”

Getting Hired Here

  • “We want to see individuals who not only have a background in accounting and are on a path to receive their CPA but also those who can think critically, problem solve, are flexible, are open to learning, are coachable, have positive attitudes about coming to work, take feedback and criticism well, and understand the value of their more experienced colleagues and willingly take advice and direction from them.”

  • "We truthfully need more candidates who are open to learning and have strong interpersonal skills from the beginning. Give me a highly intelligent employee with weak interpersonal skills and I will give you a skilled worker. Give me an average intelligence employee with strong interpersonal skills and I will give you a leader.”

  • “The firm is seeking an individual who is self-motivated, confident in social settings, dependable, and a quick learner.”

  • “Interview was similar to other firms in that it was a conversation between me and the reviewer and wasn’t too intense. I liked that style of interview and thought it worked well because we could probably determine a person’s qualifications mostly off resume. I think we are looking for people who are smart and capable obviously, but a real differentiator is a person’s work ethic and their desire to improve and learn.”

Perks & Benefits

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