Salesforce is a customer relationship management software used by companies to keep their sales and marketing teams in tip-top shape. Salesforce looks for candidates who are trailblazers (i.e., leaders with a dedication to lifelong learning) passionate about building businesses—and not just their own. Salesforce also aims to be a "clean cloud" business, moving steadily towards 100% renewable energy.
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Customer relationship management software • task automation • analytics and data visualization services
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About the Company
In 1999, Salesforce made waves in the software industry with their inventive new take on the CRM. Salesforce is a global marketing software company that offers a specialized customer relationship management (CRM) platform, Customer 360—bringing together a company’s marketing, sales, commerce, service, and IT teams to operate as one. The innovative software was the first of its kind, with services being offered through an internet subscription service. Its unique cloud software helps companies create a real connection with customers through its marketing and commerce.
Over 150,000 companies across every imaginable industry use Salesforce to streamline their customer relations. Carmax, e.l.f., Zillow, and more all work with Salesforce and have seen incredible improvements in their customer relations because of it. With e.l.f., ...