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GE Healthcare Partners

500 West Monroe
Floor 21
Chicago, IL 60661
(312) 775-1700




GE Healthcare Systems is well known as a provider of global medical technology, diagnostics, and digital solutions. The company has been bringing its combination of technology and advisory services to healthcare workers, patients, and communities for more than 100 years. Their intelligent devices, data analytics, applications, and services, are helping clinicians and professionals on the frontlines deliver care more efficiently and with better outcomes.

Company Stats


Employer Type




101-500 Employees


Major Departments/Practice Areas

Integrated Delivery Systems


Major Office Locations

Chicago, IL USA


Employment Contact

Jackie Kahn - Global Human Resources Senior Director

Vault Verdict

To get a sense of the sort of culture you’ll find at GE Healthcare Partners, you need only look at two of the adjectives that insiders use to describe their team: “nimble” and “intimate”. Surely, this is a small and agile team where people forge strong relationships with their colleagues while also throwing their hat into a variety of different tasks, gaining invaluable exposure to every aspect of the business.

Despite, or maybe because of, the smaller size of the firm, there are plenty of opportunities—as well as many willing and supportive mentors along the way—to develop oneself in the different and build a diverse array of skills. As a result, survey respondents say that GE Healthcare presents a tremendous opportunity to develop qualities of leadership and re...

About the Company


As the advisory and activation arm of GE Healthcare, we believe clients need something distinctly different – the extensive platform and resources of a $17B global technology leader backed by 100+ years as a trusted industry partner. GE Healthcare Partners converts aspirations to reality through combining innovation with large scale activation to capture and sustain maximum value.

The GE Healthcare Partners Difference

We work with our customers to solve some of the biggest problems in the industry, through a combination of our advisory services and technologies. We are passionate about activation, going far beyond just the identification or the assessment of problems.

We collaborate deeply with our customers to design long-term sustainabl...

Employee Reviews

  • “GE Healthcare offers more than consulting. It offers a lot of capabilities in the healthcare space such as equipment, financing, and other digital capabilities that other smaller groups just can't provide”
  • “I believe the single most important factor that sets this firm apart from other is the ability and space to “think out of the box” and try new solutions to old problems. Even if you fail, colleagues and leadership are supportive and appreciative.”
  • “You'll meet some really great people and get a ton of opportunities if you're hungry. Be ready to be adaptable!”
  • “We have an intimate and highly flexible team that can tackle a diverse set of healthcare problems, especially with some team members being subject matter experts and/or previous clinicians. We have unique problem-solving and change management frameworks that clients thoroughly enjoy.”
  • “We are a small, innovative group that allows every individual to have a major impact on the great work we deliver.”
  • “Immensely rewarding experience to do innovative work alongside talented, passionate teammates.”

Getting Hired Here

  • “2 phone interviews, 3 in-person interviews, case study presentation; called back same day.”
  • “After screening interviews, formal interviews are held over the course of a half day and result in a decision/callback within 1-2 business days. Do our best to learn about the candidate, but also allow time for the candidate to learn about GE Healthcare. Seeking candidates that are driven, positive, collaborative, think critically, and who are quick learners.”
  • “Depends on the role and the level but analytical thinking, ability to communicate clearly and effectively, teamwork and leadership, subject matter expertise (nursing, throughput, healthcare IT, pharmaceutical, etc). Optional things are programming and/or SQL, database management fundamentals.”
  • “The firm isn't hiring at this point, but the ideal candidate needs to have some healthcare exposure, be strong in analytics, able to manage change, and be very adaptable. With a smaller crew, the firm is leaning more towards a generalist model with a few specialists to provide an optimal amount of expertise and flexibility on how to staff various engagements.”
  • “We actively seek analytical and numbers driven individuals who can have strong client engagement skills and can illustrate a convincing story from data points.”
  • “We seek those with the ability to think clearly, analyze data, develop coherent strategies, and be willing team players. We seek confidence, but not ego.”

Perks & Benefits

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