
J.P. Morgan Asset Management is the investment management unit of JPMorgan Chase, one of the world's largest, most prestigious, most influential banks. A position with J.P. Morgan opens doors for the rest of your career. It also means you’ll be working for a global leader in the fight against climate change. From creating green and social bonds to holistic financing solutions, J.P. Morgan is heavily invested in promoting long-term solutions for a more sustainable economy.
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About the Company
J.P. Morgan Asset Management is the investment management arm of NYC-based JPMorgan Chase, a global bank that’s the result of over 200 years of mergers and acquisitions. JPMorgan Chase’s current iteration was formed between 1996 and 2008 when Chase Manhattan Bank merged with J.P. Morgan & Co., and then the combined entity acquired Bank One, Bear Steams, and Washington Mutual. In 2019, J.P. Morgan became the first U.S. bank to issue cryptocurrency when it launched its JPM Coin tokens.
J.P. Morgan Asset Management offers a variety of financial products and services, including retirement funds, equity income funds, investor growth funds, and small-to-large cap growth funds. J.P. Morgan Asset Management has a robust internship program designed for students and recent graduates that offers apprenticeships, pre-internships, inter...