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Kellogg Hansen

Sumner Square
1615 M Street NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 326-7900



Formed in 1993 in Washington, DC, Kellogg Hansen offers those with clerkship experience a place to quickly sharpen their litigation skills. The smaller firm is home to over 90 attorneys, associates work on small teams, which means direct interaction with partners and the opportunity to dive into challenging work from day one.

Firm Stats


Total No. Attorneys (2024)

50 - 100


No. of Partners Named (2023)



Featured Rankings

Vault Law 100


No. of 1st Year Associates Hired (2023)



No. of Summer Associates (2024)

21 total (15 2Ls; 6 1Ls)


Base Salary

1st year: $260,000

Vault Verdict

If you simply want to do top-notch litigation out of a small firm in Washington, DC, then look no further than Kellogg Hansen. Top grades, federal clerkship experience, and agreeable personalities are a must for getting hired, and the firm does not focus only on certain schools. Office settings are professional, friendly, and laid back despite the intensity of the work. People enjoy each others’ company, but social activities are not overwhelming. Lean teams mean partners treat associates as colleagues and value their input, and overall relations are pleasant. Organized training and mentoring are limited, and associates like it that way. They’d rather learn by asking or doing. Since Kellogg Hansen hires almost exclusively from clerkships, a polished onboarding process is standard....

About the Firm

Washington, DC-based Kellogg, Hansen, Todd, Figel & Frederick is a firm that thrives on litigating complex cases in the trial and appellate world, including cases that bring its attorneys to the highest court in the land. 

A Trial & Appellate Litigation Firm is Born

A relatively young firm, Kellogg Hansen was formed in 1993 when three BigLaw partners jumped ship to form their own small firm focused on trial and appellate litigation. Since then, the firm has grown to house more than 90 attorneys, all trial and appellate specialists. Nearly every partner and associate served as a law clerk for a federal judge, and more than a dozen clerked for Justices of the United States Supreme Court. 

Litigation Powerhouse

Associate Reviews

  • “Kellogg's culture is very professional and pleasant. People have the freedom to work in the ways that work for them. Given our small size, everyone knows everyone, and it is relatively easy to find your place in the firm. We genuinely enjoy each others' company, and choose to socialize outside of the office with one another.”
  • “The people are great all around, and the office is quite casual/laid back despite the long hours everyone works. The firm does its best to organize social events every few months, though associates will frequently get together more organically. People are generally left to their own devices day to day, but everyone is more than happy to chat if you stop by their offices.”
  • “I really appreciate the firm's straightforward culture. On a personal level, people are kind and easy to get along with. Impromptu gatherings do happen, but they are somewhat rare. The firm does not force you to engage in extracurricular, firm-affiliated activities that would further drain your time and/or life outside of work.”

Getting Hired Here

  • “You don't need to go to a T14 school to get hired here. What you do need are stellar grades, at least one federal clerkship, impeccable writing skills, and strong recommendations. The firm isn't hiring as many people right now as they typically do, so the competition is even more stringent.”
  • “Hiring is as competitive as it gets. Although it is no longer a hard rule that a candidate must have clerked on a circuit court, the firm pretty much exclusively hires from federal clerks. The firm cares about grades, but not where you went to law school. Personality and fit are the most important factors, if you can get an interview.”
  • “Clerking is basically required, and star-studded resumes are otherwise helpful (law school, journal, grades, etc.). The firm also cares a lot about fit, and wants to hire nice people who are team players.”

Perks & Benefits

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