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Wiley Rein LLP

2050 M Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 719-7000



Wiley Rein may be a one-office firm, but it packs a punch. It is known for its prominent Telecom, Media & Technology group comprising more than 60 top attorneys in the field and also—not surprising for a DC firm—for its government and policy work. The firm’s other major practices include insurance, government contracts, election law, international trade, and intellectual property. The firm represents a wide range of clients—from Fortune 500 corporations to trade associations to individuals—in myriad industries, including e...

Firm Stats


Total No. Attorneys (2023)

250 - 500


No. of Partners Named (2023)



Featured Rankings

Best Summer Programs for Attorney Interactions


No. of 1st Year Associates Hired (2023)



No. of Summer Associates (2023)



Base Salary

Base Salary (2024)

Vault Verdict

Wiley recruits heavily from local DC law schools in addition to the T14s and seeks candidates looking to stay in DC for the long haul. Associates feel a sense of camaraderie with their colleagues, and there is plenty of socializing during the work day and beyond, but associates aren’t pressured into giving up personal time if they’d prefer to pass on a social event. A low associate-to-partner ratio means there are plenty of opportunities to form relationships, and partners operate with an open-door policy that contributes to associates feeling respected and appreciated. Generally, partners are transparent on firm decision-making, but associates wish there was greater insight into the bonus structure. That said, they seem generally satisfied with their compensation, which is lockst...

About the Firm

Founded in 1983 with 39 attorneys, Wiley has grown to be a big player in the nation’s capital, with more than 240 attorneys who practice in over a dozen areas of law. Best known for its Telecom, Media, & Technology group, the firm’s other major practices include insurance, government contracts, election law, international trade, and litigation.

Mastery of DC

Wiley was founded in Washington, DC, by two attorneys with deep roots in the nation’s capital: Bert Rein—a former U.S. deputy assistant secretary of state for economic and business affairs—and Richard Wiley—former chairman of the Federal Communications Commission. Noted for its expertise in communications, media, government affairs, and political law, Wiley counts among its ranks many prominent DC attorneys who have h...

Associate Reviews

  • “We socialize enough that it isn't draining, but you feel a sense of camaraderie. There is a strong emphasis on work-life balance so there is never pressure to hang out rather than go home, and social events are always very low key but fun.”
  • “It seems that there are social opportunities on a weekly basis. If you can't make one because of work one week, there are plenty of opportunities to attend other events. I was slightly worried about the firm’s conservative reputation, but ...
  • “We socialize enough that it isn't draining, but you feel a sense of camaraderie. There is a strong emphasis on work-life balance so there is never pressure to hang out rather than go home, and social events are always very low key but fun.”
  • “It seems that there are social opportunities on a weekly basis. If you can't make one because of work one week, there are plenty of opportunities to attend other events. I was slightly worried about the firm’s conservative reputation, but the firm's culture has been extremely focused on inclusivity and diversity and this has been reflected throughout practice groups. This has also resulted in lots of support for different specific initiatives important to individual attorneys.”
  • “Although Wiley folks are not known for frequent late-night happy hours or weekend get-togethers, we connect with each other regularly through informal lunches (e.g., practice group, associate-only, and all-attorney lunches), affinity groups (e.g., parents in the law, LGBTQ & Allies, Women's Forum, Veterans, Federalist Society, etc.), work events (e.g., welcoming new partners, holiday events, wellness events), and the summer associate program (baseball games, concerts, and other activities). We are a close group but also respect that everyone has a life outside of work.”
  • “People are generally very nice and fun to talk to. They are respectful of your time in and outside the office (e.g., they respect your vacation time, and if you stay late to work on something, your colleagues are also there helping out). We have a few big social occasions throughout the year (holiday party, summer BBQ, etc.), and a few smaller ones too (diversity events, associate happy hours, etc.), but there's not a huge sense of obligation to attend. Most of the partners have families and young children, and so people (at least in my group) tend to leave the office relatively early and continue working from home. Politically, there are lots of committees to get things done (diversity, recruiting, executive, evaluation, etc.).”

Getting Hired Here

  • “The firm is looking for law school grades; a friendly, kind, and respectful personality; and someone who has shown they are self motivated. Diversity is also a big focus.”
  • “You must check the boxes to get past the initial screening—strong grades from a top law school, journal and/or moot court, good writing sample, etc. From there, we are looking for associates who are critical thinkers and good problem solvers with an interest in regulatory law. We want to invest in new hires that wi...
  • “The firm is looking for law school grades; a friendly, kind, and respectful personality; and someone who has shown they are self motivated. Diversity is also a big focus.”
  • “You must check the boxes to get past the initial screening—strong grades from a top law school, journal and/or moot court, good writing sample, etc. From there, we are looking for associates who are critical thinkers and good problem solvers with an interest in regulatory law. We want to invest in new hires that will be here for the long haul—not a two-to-three [year] stint.”
  • “Personality helps a lot in the hiring process. We really enjoy working together and want to ensure that whoever is hired is a good person to work with, as well. Having ties to DC—whether through prior work or internships on the Hill or in government—or going to a law school here is a huge plus. A lot of the work the firm does is government-centric, so the firm focuses on hiring people who have the potential to grow into being Washington lawyers.”
  • “I think Wiley looks for people with excellent writing and analytical skills who also fit in well with the friendly culture at the firm. Wiley tends to hire a lot from law schools in the area, such as George Mason and George Washington, but schools like Harvard and Yale are also represented here.”

Perks & Benefits

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