
Headquartered in San Diego, CA, Bainbridge provides management consulting services and advises on mergers and acquisitions for companies ranging from startups to Fortune 1000 multinationals all over the globe.
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Managing Principal
About the Company
What began as a small, boutique firm set up to help a university professor research and publish his work has since become a national management consulting and capital advisory firm, organized as two separate companies under the Bainbridge umbrella. Established in Illinois in 1975 by Boulton Bainbridge Miller, Bainbridge, now headquartered in sunny San Diego, provides management consulting services and advises on mergers and acquisitions for companies ranging from startups to Fortune 1000 multinationals all over the United States, Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Latin America. The firm is organized as two separate companies, Bainbridge, Inc., the management consulting arm, and Bainbridge Capital, Inc., the advisory arm, both operating under the same roof. As a combined entity, the firm focuses on helping organizations perform better and grow faster...