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Censeo Consulting Group

1776 I Street, NW
8th Floor
DC 20006
(202) 296-0601



A boutique in the government contracting space, Censeo is known as a work-life friendly company, making it the perfect choice for anyone looking for flexibility in their schedule while not compromising on the quality of assignments they get to work on. The firm offers strong on-the-job training as well as a close-knit, collegial environment.

Company Stats


Employer Type




51-100 Employees


Featured Rankings

Vault Consulting 50 North America


Major Departments/Practice Areas

Information Technology Consulting


Major Office Locations

Washington, D.C. (HQ)


Employment Contact

Riley Little - Director of Talent and HR

Vault Verdict

Within federal contracting—and consulting in general—Censeo is a top choice for consultants who prioritize professional growth and a great work-life balance. Employees regularly meet with their project leads to have conversations specific to their professional development, they rarely work more than 45 hours a week, and the firm offers generous remote and hybrid flexibilities.

While some firms do offer higher total compensation, most Censeo employees don’t seem to mind. When considering their hours worked and work-life balance, most believe they are actually compensated as much or more than their peers at other top-tier firms on an hourly basis. Insiders also love the benefits package.

In terms of business outlook, Censeo offers a blend of gro...

About the Company

Censeo Consulting Group specializes in strategy and operations, with a specific focus on mission-driven organizations. The firm tries to break away from the traditional consulting model by using its own business model, one that is based on three main principles: expertise and thought leadership, people and values-driven culture, and tangible impact for clients. Censeo primarily works with clients in the public sector to dramatically improve organizational and operational performance, thereby strengthening their capacity to deliver more for every invested dollar. Depending on the client, this could translate to results from more effective and efficient operations, cost savings for major acquisitions, or a data and analytics infrastructure that allows for improved decision-making

Censeo Consulting Group has been recognized as one of ...

Employee Reviews

  • “Coaching and on-the-job training are foundational pieces of the culture and I believe are key contributors to high employee retention rates at Cesneo.”
  • “Censeo also recognizes us as humans, meaning they understand if an employee is having challenges on a personal level, they can work with their managers to balance personal needs with their work. I've seen this multiple times when folks had significant things happen in their lives.”
  • “The firm was founded by consultants from top-tier consultancies who believed that they could build a company where you can do good work and have a high quality of life at the same time. I think they achieved this goal. Our work is challenging and complex, but the environment makes it reasonable. You rarely work more than a standard 40-hour week or travel to a client site.”
  • “I have autonomy and I'm respected. I have colleagues who I find interesting. They actively want to do better.”

Getting Hired Here

  • “The process starts with a screening call with HR. Then you have four interviews, starting with lower-level employees and ending with partners. The ideal candidate, at least for entry-level positions, does not need to have a certain background or level of experience. They just need to be smart, learn quickly, and have the right skills like problem-solving.”
  • “The company is very comfortable bringing on people with nontraditional backgrounds. You don’t need to have an MBA or come from another firm. The main thing is capability and cultural fit.”
  • “The ideal candidate is a smart, hard-working, creative, problem solver who works well on a team.”
  • “Someone who’s a good cultural fit is friendly, socially minded, analytical, and has a good sense of humor.”

Perks & Benefits

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