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60 Acorn Park Drive
Cambridge, MA 02140
+1 617-613-6000



As the consulting arm of one of the world’s best-known market research outfits, Forrester enjoys instant brand recognition across large swathes of the business world. True to its parent company’s capabilities, Forrester’s consultants help leaders understand, plan for and react to the trends shaping the global business landscape.

Company Stats


Featured Rankings

Most Prestigious Consulting Firms in North America


Major Departments/Practice Areas

B2B Marketing Strategy


Major Office Locations

Cambridge, MA


CEO & Chairman of the Board

George F. Colony


Chief Financial Officer

Chris Finn

Vault Verdict

Life at the Poirier Group tends to be focused around growth—of individual consultants, clients, and the firm writ large. That makes for an environment that insiders report provides challenging, rewarding work and the ability to make rapid career progress—as well as gain a broad spectrum of industry experience through regular client interactions.

On a day-to-day basis, the firm’s culture is geared towards high performance. As a result, it is a place where open communication is valued—something that is supported by a flat hierarchy. Insiders report that relationships with colleagues are typically collegial and non-competitive, not marked by the kind of corporate politics seen in some competitors. All of that is supported by a strong focus on work/life balance and a...

About the Company

Anyone who has ever conducted market research will be familiar with Forrester Research: the company is one of the best-known names in the field, and its data and insights regularly make it into the media. It makes sense, then, that the company also maintains a consulting arm of its own, with a mission to help leaders understand, plan for and react to the trends shaping the global business landscape. 

Forrester Consulting’s offerings are tailored to the needs of clients, from webinars, speeches and workshops to in-depth projects that can help leaders to apply insights to execute on transformational strategies. Those strategies touch every aspect of a business, from IT & Technology to Marketing, Sales, Customer Experience and Project Management.

The firm also offers services related to content marketing...

Employee Reviews

  • “A commitment to continuous improvement from management and staff.”
  • “Growing organization with strong leadership and healthy culture.”
  • “I have worked in a lot of places where I often felt like the smartest person in the room. That (almost) never happens here.”
  • “Our commitment to the relationships we have to our clients is quite a bit more personal than most other firms. This allows a level of trust most people don't have within their own organization, and it allows us to aid our clients in the most effective way possible. We are not working with the organization just for profit, we are there to make a lasting positive impact on the organization and the people we worked alongside.”
  • “We have a drama-free workplace. People are focused on creating results for our clients. There are no layers to navigate through given it's a flat structure so no one is ‘gunning’ for anyone's job. People learn from each other, have great mentors and grow on a steep curve. Thus, our delivery per unit time is that much better than our competitive, especially that of a larger scale. And we're able to do that at a lower cost given less overhead and more agility. This culture rubs off on our clients and they end up befriending us, and generating enormous trust, which is why we have 100% positive client experiences and relationships lasting more than 15 years.”

Getting Hired Here

  • “[A candidate’s] ego and arrogance stick out like a sore thumb in our interview process, and that is the first thing that is weeded out. We are looking for career learners, people committed to high integrity and doing the right thing for our clients, even if that may not fit profit margins. We are attracted to great communicators, people able to persuade meaningful insights based on data, but not get lost in the ‘tool’ or ‘algorithm’, only what value it can contribute to our client. We communicate to everyone that interacts with us on where they are in the process, and if they aren't moving forward, we are open, honest, and direct. We never ‘ghost’ anyone and want to treat people with respect in this process, especially those that don't get the job.”
  • “I think the firm is seeking a candidate who fits with the organizational culture and who is willing to learn, and I think the hiring process reflects that.”
  • “Initial interview is often with HR. This is generally followed by one of the experienced consultants and followed up by a panel and case study. The final interview is more of a conversation with the CEO before an offer is made.”
  • “The interviewing process is similar to most other consulting firms I have applied for, and I like that the first interview/round of questions was a phone call and not some assessment via math games. The interview questions were difficult, but we were given room for creativity and it was much more engaging than other more direct interviews I have had. The callback process was pretty quick; overall, I spent maybe 2-3 days waiting before my last interview and a job offer.”
  • “We want someone who fits the culture of open and honest communication with tact. We want self-starters who go above and beyond to serve the clients and who best embody our values.”

Perks & Benefits

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