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Kenway Consulting

200 N. LaSalle Street
Chicago, IL 60601
(888) 953-6929



Kenway Consulting strives to bring value to clients through tailored business and technology solutions. In keeping with their vision "to transform business by doing what is right," their stated focus is helping businesses achieve their objectives through the enablement/enhancement of process and technology ... by providing clients the right skills at the right time in the right volume for the right duration, resulting in the best possible solution for the lowest cost. The "doing what is right" vision permeates the c...

Company Stats


Employer Type




51-100 Employees


Featured Rankings

Vault Consulting 50 North America


Major Departments/Practice Areas

Industries: Manufacturing and Distribution; Financial Services;...


Major Office Locations

Chicago, IL (HQ)


Employment Contact

Sarab Weiss: Talent Acquisition and Retention Manager

Vault Verdict

One word pops up over and over when reviewing Kenway Insiders’ responses to our survey: Unique. Insiders constantly go back to this word to describe Kenway’s approach to their professional development, to work-life balance, and to client delivery. 

Kenway consultants love that the firm offers them the ability to customize their work-life balance and professional development. At the beginning of each year, each consultant sits down with their manager to plan how many hours they want to work and how much vacation they want to take, and the firm goes out of its way to honor those targets. The firm is happy to train its consultants in new practice areas to expand their skillsets around topics they find interesting, and promotions are based on merit, not tenure....

About the Company

Kenway exists to help companies that need help. More importantly, Kenway wants to provide help to people at those companies who want it. The firm operates in the nexus between clients’ technology and business organizations—bringing together diverse teams that can remain agile and adaptable as a project evolves. Kenway’s stated goal is to provide “the highest possible quality for the lowest possible cost” by bringing “big consulting acumen” to the table without “big consulting rates.”

Core Capabilities

Kenway Consulting strives to bring value to clients through tailored business solutions using its application development, artificial intelligence, contact center solutions, data and analytics, program and product management, and Salesforce practices.


Employee Reviews

  • “One of the best things about Kenway is also one of the worst. Kenway employees are expected to have a growth mindset. Kenway will help you grow and help career development. However, if you choose to rest on your laurels, we'll try challenging you but eventually will accept your choices.”
  • “We are also unique in that all consultants take part in running Kenway through internal projects and leadership opportunities.”
  • “One of Kenway's main guiding principles is treating each individual uniquely, thus adapting the work conditions (travel requirements, weekly hours) to each individual depending on their situation, provided that the value each worker adds to their clients stays at its peak.”
  • “Long before DE&I was in focus, ‘to welcome and respect the uniqueness of each individual with whom we engage’ has been a guiding principle at Kenway. No organization focuses more on treating each individual uniquely.”

Getting Hired Here

  • “There can be exceptions, but our hiring process requires a skills interview, a behaviors interview, a case study, and a confirming interview before we make a hiring decision. Although the case and skills interviews are important, the behavioral interview is the most important because we want to make sure candidates are aligned to our culture and our why (To Help and Be Helped).”
  • “The interview process is thorough with an initial screening, then a behavioral interview, and then a case study. Kenway responds in a timely manner and the process does not take too long.”
  • “We’re looking for individuals who have a constant thirst to learn and grow, the ability to navigate ambiguity, and are comfortable focusing on the means vs. the outcomes.”
  • “The ideal candidate is someone who wants to work for a top-tier consulting firm but does not define who they are by what their occupation is.”

Perks & Benefits

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