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Kenway Consulting

200 N. LaSalle Street
Chicago, IL 60601
(888) 953-6929



Kenway Consulting specializes in technology solution delivery, enterprise program leadership, and information insight. In keeping with their vision "to transform business by doing what is right," their stated focus is helping businesses achieve their objectives through the enablement/enhancement of process and technology ... by providing clients the right skills at the right time in the right volume for the right duration, resulting in the best possible solution for the lowest cost. The "doing what is right" vision ...

Company Stats


Employer Type




51-100 Employees


Featured Rankings

Vault Consulting 50 North America


Major Departments/Practice Areas

Core Capabilities: Technology Solution Delivery, Enterprise Program...


Major Office Locations

Chicago, IL (HQ)


Employment Contact

Sarab Weiss: Talent Acquisition and Retention Manager

Vault Verdict

Kenway Consulting offers a work environment appreciated for its flexibility, engaging projects, and more than fair compensation. Insiders enjoy working with talented colleagues and appreciate the firm's focus on maintaining work-life balance. 

The firm's culture is marked by a strong focus on doing what is right, with guiding principles steering every action. This ethos fosters a supportive and ethical work environment. Consultants at Kenway are encouraged to take ownership of their career paths, with the firm valuing entrepreneurial spirit and individuality. The freedom to shape one’s work schedule and project choices contributes to a positive quality of life, though this can lead to variability in weekly workloads.

Compensation at...

About the Company

Kenway exists to help companies that need help. More importantly, Kenway wants to provide help to people at those companies who want it. The firm operates in the nexus between clients’ technology and business organizations—bringing together diverse teams that can remain agile and adaptable as a project evolves. Kenway’s stated goal is to provide “the highest possible quality for the lowest possible cost” by bringing “big consulting acumen” to the table without “big consulting rates.”

Core Capabilities

Kenway Consulting strives to bring value to clients through three core capabilities that encompass a range of services. The firm’s Technology Solution Delivery capability is how Kenway enables people and processes through technology. This begins with establishing and aligning IT Strategy ...

Employee Reviews

  • “A challenging job that is enjoyed due to dedicated colleagues, more than fair compensation, and great client relationships.”

  • “Great company culture that aids you to be the best that you can be while providing the clients with the right skills at the right time.”

  • “Kenway is a firm in which people succeed if they're willing to go above and beyond. If you do, it will absolutely be recognized, and you will absolutely be rewarded, both monetarily and with greater responsibilities. If, however, your goal isn't narrowly to climb the metaphorical corporate ladder, there's room for you as well. So long as an employee's value exceeds their cost, they may pursue any path they would like within the organization, and continually set professional goals that align with their interests, capabilities, and stages in life.”

  • “They truly do treat each individual uniquely, guiding principles are front and center and examples of the mission statement can be witnessed every day.”

  • “We are in the business of focusing on the means over the outcomes. We have turned down work because the data tells us it may not be the best fit for the client and/or Kenway.”

Getting Hired Here

  • “Following a candidate's submission, their application is screened and, if it passes the screening process, the candidate will be invited for a 30-min screening phone interview. Following the phone interview, the candidate will be invited to a three-part series of one-hour interviews, focusing on the candidate's experience/skills, behaviors/values, and response to the case study. If the position being recruited is a specialized or senior position, we will then hold a single final interview with 1-2 Kenway consultants to validate the employee meets the requirements of the position.”

  • “If an employee does not make it to a particular round in the interview process, they are normally notified of the decision within 3 business days. Above all else, our firm is seeking candidates with a commitment to doing what is right (e.g., behaving with integrity and focusing on means over outcomes). He/she must meet the technical and functional requirements of the position being filled, of course, but we are deeply focused on ensuring all who are hired to Kenway have a great deal of integrity, accountability, and morality.”

  • “I think the ideal candidate is someone who is reliable, even if they do not have the requisite skills to perform the job. We take the view that we can train people on the things they need to know. But we cannot teach personality.”

  • “Our candidates go through a skills interview, behavioral/culture interview, a case study, and then a confirming interview (call back). We've found that going through these potential four steps is enough, but not too much (i.e., 6 rounds of interviews, etc.) provides enough scrutiny to make an informed decision.”

  • “We are looking for candidates who are a cultural fit, are intelligent, have a growth mindset, and an entrepreneurial spirit.”  

Perks & Benefits

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