Mazars APAC logo

Mazars APAC

135 Cecil Street
#10-01 MYP Plaza
Singapore 069536



Mazars is a global consulting firm, specializing in audit, accountancy, tax, legal, and advisory services. Audit has been at the core of the firm's expertise for more than 70 years. This is complemented by a balanced portfolio of consulting and financial advisory, as well as tax, compliance and legal services. Their consultants help business leaders and management teams handle industry challenges ranging from disruptive competition, talent wars, technology, regulation changes, international policy changes, and other critical factor...

Company Stats


Employer Type




10,001+ Employees


Member, Group Governance Council

Chris Fuggle (Singapore)


Affiliated Companies

Forvis Mazars

About the Company

Mazars was founded in France in 1945 by Robert Mazars. In its early years the company experienced rapid growth, acquiring numerous clients, and became notable for its high-quality services. In the 1970s Mazars expanded its operations in international markets, eventually establishing its Asia-Pacific offices in 1997. The company has offices in more than 15 countries and employs nearly 48,000 professionals. Mazars’ current CEO is Hervé Hélias, and its corporate headquarters is located in Paris, France.

Mazars provides a variety of professional services including financial advisory, outsourcing, tax and audit services, consulting services, and more. Prospective employees will find job opportunities in Mazars’ many locations worldwide, with openings in areas such as auditing and assurance, consulting, financial advisory, lega...