Americorps logo


250 E St
SW, DC 20024
(202) 730-1700



Americorps, established by the Clinton Administration in 1993, works in communities to provide aid and support as it relates to education, health care, public safety, and the environment. Volunteers work either full or part time and often work with partner organizations like the YMCA, the Boys and Girls Club, Boy/Girl Scouts, and Habitat for Humanity.

Company Stats


Employer Type




10,001+ Employees


Major Departments

Department of Agriculture


Major Office Locations

Austin TX United States


Employment Contact

Susan Bradberry - Chief Human Capital Officer

About the Company

AmeriCorps is an organization of the Corporation for National and Community Service. The government organization was founded in 1993 under President Bill Clinton. AmeriCorps financially sponsors volunteers, often recent college graduates, to do important work at American nonprofits, schools, public agencies, and community groups. There are three branches of AmeriCorps: State and National, VISTA, and NCCC. The State and National branch sponsors volunteers for an 11-month period at a wide variety of organizations, from health services to disaster preparedness. The VISTA program also sponsors volunteers for an 11-month service specifically to serve a project or organization that is fighting poverty. The NCCC branch sponsors volunteers for a 10-month period in which they may travel across various regions or states to help organizations that ask for dire...